After completing the game (all story and side missions and finding all the riddles) I have to say that it's a very good game. The story and writing are in my opinion the best in the series and it had a good amount of references to the comics and graphic novels. I also liked the tougher, more brutal combat. What I really didn't like about the game though was the feeling I had from Gotham City. It feels so lifeless and staged, and the lack of Easter eggs/references to the comics like in the previous game made it pretty dull to explore. I was also disappointed in some of the side mission villain stories like Lady Shiva and Bird.
Shame about the bugs though. They basically killed the fun I had with the game in too many occasions.
It's a good 7/10. It's not bad, just average. The gameplay hasn't gone anywhere since AC, and the presentation is really poor this time around. The voice acting is the most noticeable offender - it's an absolute shame they couldn't get Mark Hamill again, because the new Joker sticks out like a sore thumb (and does an mediocre job as well). The writing is poop too. It's blunt, dumb, and never tries to be any more than that. AC's writing wasn't the best either but it wasn't noticeably dragging for a videogame. The dialogue of the villains particularly hurts my head.
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