Yeah, I honestly don't know why DICE just completely ignored every old mode. Conquest would have fit fine, just allow spawning on the flags and slow down the capture time. Squad Rush also would have made sense since the maps seem perfect for storing two sets of M-COM's, maybe not a full set for a full on Rush game (Metro was small but crafted to work in a full on Rush game at least), but enough for simple Squad Rush.
I'm also sad they didn't add a no respawn mode, since smaller infantry focused and lethal game types and maps like this would be perfect for a SOCOM or Counter Strike style Search and Destroy mode with limited spawns.
What are you even talking about? Conquest is the main mode for the new CQ maps. Albeit a quicker variant, but it's still very much there.
My main issue is people think that running around trying to kill the enemy without protecting points is a good idea. Yet whenever my squad breaks into twos and defends two points with C4/Claymores, we tend to win. Hmm..........
No Conquest Domination is the main mode, not the same conquest I like. Its fun and all, but its too easy to capture them solo and you can't spawn on them, which almost completely negates any teamwork (especially since the area of effect for capturing a flag is the same AoE for a few C4 explosions to kill an entire team, letting one guy defend a flag if he wanted to).
I mean its a great change of pace from the normal Conquest, but I would still like to play normal Conquest in a map that could clearly support it.
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