i live in canada and they dont sell those sharps with vyper drive at the retailers and want to see the product before i buy it so i dont want to buy it online.
or if anyone knows of a place they do, that would be great
i got the 37" sharp 1080p without the vyper drive and it still is great...i have noticed no lag yet. Really i dont think the vyper drive does anything its there way of making more money..i had a choice of 32" 1080p with vyper and 37" 1080p with out and i chose the 37" and i dont regret it a bit!! P.S. i live in Canada to....if u want the vyper drive that bad just go to future shop and order it there.
I bought the sharp with viper drive (32") at A and B sound for $899. Seems fine. |I think the viper part is a bit of a gimick because it is still 6ms response. My new LG 32 nch is the 120Hz model at 5ms response and it too looks great for games. You could always go with a plasma with no response lag but the two models mentioned are pretty sweet and good price.
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