So now that Blizzard has turned into money leeching scum, creating $60 pay2win video games and completely gutting story/characters and content. Who will take their place as best devs working on PC (and console). I'm going to put forward Bethesda.
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So now that Blizzard has turned into money leeching scum, creating $60 pay2win video games and completely gutting story/characters and content. Who will take their place as best devs working on PC (and console). I'm going to put forward Bethesda.
Was Diablo III your first online game ever? Every MMO that has trading is pay2win. Diablo II was as well with tons of ebay and .com stores.So now that Blizzard has turned into money leeching scum, creating $60 pay2win video games
I'm completely serious. Blizzard was the cream of the crop. now they're a laughable joke riding a reputation created by other (more competent) developers.I honestly believe Bethesda are the best devs going at the moment and then possibly Rockstar.
[QUOTE="ShimmerMan"]Was Diablo III your first online game ever? Every MMO that has trading is pay2win. Diablo II was as well with tons of ebay and .com stores.So now that Blizzard has turned into money leeching scum, creating $60 pay2win video games
LOL show me a MMORPG where the player can purchase in-game gold from the developer and i'll show you it's a free pay2win mmorpg with no monthly fee.
Diablo III isn't even a MMORPG and the economy is crap because Blizzard included Auction house and Real Money Auction house WITH-IN the games user interface. The player doesn't even have to go thrid party to Pay2Win, it's right their face everytime they log on. It's big time Pay 2 win video game and also it's s***.
It reminds me of a comic book compared to the previous games in the series, they killed off Cain to some butterfly woman who talks like a supervillian from Power Rangers. They turned Tyreal into a human and then gave DIablo a sex change. It's the biggest load of hilarious tripe I've ever seen from Blizzard as a developer. They didn't even change anything about the various difficulties and the game can easily be cleared in five hours, actually make that 4 hours because ACT4 is a waste of time and not even finished properly. Yo the game doesn't even have Custom games son, I can't even join a f'ing custom game and this is a PC exclusive (so far)...
Why laughable joke? They have 3 games which are the 3 of the best selling games in history.I'm completely serious. Blizzard was the cream of the crop. now they're a laughable joke riding a reputation created by other (more competent) developers.I honestly believe Bethesda are the best devs going at the moment and then possibly Rockstar.
Was Diablo III your first online game ever? Every MMO that has trading is pay2win. Diablo II was as well with tons of ebay and .com stores.[QUOTE="k3ck"][QUOTE="ShimmerMan"]
So now that Blizzard has turned into money leeching scum, creating $60 pay2win video games
LOL show me a MMORPG where the player can purchase in-game gold from the developer and i'll show you it's a free pay2win mmorpg with no monthly fee.
Diablo III isn't even a MMORPG and the economy is crap because Blizzard included Auction house and Real Money Auction house WITH-IN the games user interface. The player doesn't even have to go thrid party to Pay2Win, it's right their face everytime they log on. It's big time Pay 2 win video game and also it's s***.
It reminds me of a comic book compared to the previous games in the series, they killed off Cain to some butterfly woman who talks like a supervillian from Power Rangers. They turned Tyreal into a human and then gave DIablo a sex change. It's the biggest load of hilarious tripe I've ever seen from Blizzard as a developer. They didn't even change anything about the various difficulties and the game can easily be cleared in five hours, actually make that 4 hours because ACT4 is a waste of time and not even finished properly. Yo the game doesn't even have Custom games son, I can't even join a f'ing custom game and this is a PC exclusive (so far)...
Do you have to pay a cent after you buy Diablo III? Nope. Maybe you should stop sitting around being a casual (try hardcore?) and play the game and find items. They're not forcing you to buy anything. Trollolololol.Is this topic about the best developer or not? Stop trolling about Blizzard... noone cares... I vote for Bethesda. Even though all their games are full of bugs.So now that Blizzard has turned into money leeching scum, creating $60 pay2win video games and completely gutting story/characters and content. Who will take their place as best devs working on PC (and console). I'm going to put forward Bethesda.
Yes, please change the title of this thread to "Why I Hate Blizzard".
As much as I hate to agree with Skareo, I think I'm with him on Valve (although I am pretty disappointed with the lack of an Ep. 3). I do think Blizzard is a close runner-up though considering they are the only major developer that only produces PC games. I have a couple of gripes with Diablo 3, but nothing groundbreaking and I definitely got my money's worth from it.
I'm more interested to see who people think should take Blizzard's place now that they've fallen into the gutter. It's good to see a few honourable mentions for Bethesda. I'm not sure about Valve though as they haven't released anything that great since HL2.
The best PC developer? Valve, clearly. SKaREOThis is the only correct answer. Valve has never made anything but AAA games. Everything they touch is has an extreme amount of quality and polish.
I wish I was fallen in the gutter like Blizzard.... their games don't sell at all.... trololollo....I'm more interested to see who people think should take Blizzard's place now that they've fallen into the gutter. It's good to see a few honourable mentions for Bethesda. I'm not sure about Valve though as they haven't released anything that great since HL2.
You're kinda cementing the fact that you're a troll. Go back to fourchan, they'll love you there.Valve though as they haven't released anything that great since HL2.
You're kinda cementing the fact that you're a troll. Go back to fourchan, they'll love you there.[QUOTE="ShimmerMan"]
Valve though as they haven't released anything that great since HL2.
what has Valve done which is so great since HL2? Left 4 DEAD? Brainless shoot em up with zombies. LOL Team Fortress 2? A chopped down version of the original Team Fortress with small maps and cartoon graphics. I mean those games were alright but great? no...
Each dev has their strengths. Rockstar, Valve, id and Bioware, etc. have tended to make my favorite games, but I can't say I've liked every game they've developed.
Rockstar's good with the sandbox experience. Valve tends to have an incredibly polished engine and good stories. Bioware is good with integrated RPG and FPS elements. id also develops very polished engines, but they're often a little weak on the story side. They're best with the deathmatch experience. Ravensoft has made some of the best oldschool multiplayer games. Neversoft/Treyarch mades my favorite sports/superhero games. Oh.. and of course infinite ward for COD.. and Ubisoft for Splinter Cell games..
Lol. I guess I can't name a single favorite. They're all high-caliber devs in one way or another.
This is hard to say. I don't think I can choose a best. I would say that Blizzard and Bethesada are amoung my favorite developers. Blizzard being the only one I can think of that has not made a game that I thought was subpar. Not saying I think all of their games are great. I just haven't played a game from Blizzard that I would rate under an 8. The rest of the developers that have made a decent number of games have all made games that I didn't like. Bioware use to be up there but, DA2 was just so bad that I just can't consider them one of the best anymore. Plus their other recent games have just been average.
You're kinda cementing the fact that you're a troll. Go back to fourchan, they'll love you there.[QUOTE="k3ck"]
Valve though as they haven't released anything that great since HL2.
what has Valve done which is so great since HL2? Left 4 DEAD? Brainless shoot em up with zombies. LOL Team Fortress 2? A chopped down version of the original Team Fortress with small maps and cartoon graphics. I mean those games were alright but great? no...
Wow you're dumb. L4D series and TF2 are some of the best multiplayer games this "gen". And Portal/Portal 2 are two of the best and most critically acclaimed games of the gen
I have to go with Bethesda, Blizzard has been meh lately but still should be in the top 3. Valve is highly overrated (good but not as godly as people make them out to be).
I grew up playing SC, D2, WC3. Blizzard games were the only games I ever played. The company now is one that only cares about making a quick buck. It's not the same developers that made the timeless games of starcraft, diablo 2, and the like. It's a different company that caters to a younger more casual audience. I used to buy games just because of the blizzard label, because I knew if I tried it, I would love it. But now it's different developers and different games really.
I grew up playing SC, D2, WC3. Blizzard games were the only games I ever played. The company now is one that only cares about making a quick buck. It's not the same developers that made the timeless games of starcraft, diablo 2, and the like. It's a different company that caters to a younger more casual audience. I used to buy games just because of the blizzard label, because I knew if I tried it, I would love it. But now it's different developers and different games really.
After playing WoW and Diablo III I would have to agree to an extent. I haven't played SC2, because I dont care to spend that much on an RTs that isn't CoH (just my opinion!). I dont know if Blizzard ha changed or if they just fell behind the times. Although D3 was an incredible disappointment.
I got my money's worth in play time, but not necessarily in the experience. Diablo 3 has good qualities (however miniscule that may be), but unfortunately Blizzard spent a majority of the game's existence ignoring the community and breaking the game, instead of fixing the myriad of problems.
Those of you quoting the sales of D3 need to take a look at why that game sold stupidly well. Diablo 1 and 2 brought about the interest in the game. D3 didnt sell so well because it was great, D3 sold so well because it was an established franchise coming from a company that typically delivers excellence.
To actually answer the thread, I'm totally a valve fanboy. I'm not even going to try and hide that fact. They manage to push out great, addicitve games for an extremely fair price. For that, they get my vote. I also like CCP, only because Eve is amazing.
i argue that valve is and for the future will be the no.1 developer on pc. 2nd i leave up to debate. the bronze can be handed handsomely to arenanet. arenanet continues to impress, they are fun loving, masters of their craft and routinely offer nice perks to their player bases. their 1 flaw is that they have only made 5 games ever and the 5th one isnt veen out yet and as a result they are relatively untested.
in fact even though gw1 isnt in the steam sale i aint made cause they having a sale on their micro store right now for costumes, skill packs, pet packs, and the highly prized storage panes, and character slots.
You're kinda cementing the fact that you're a troll. Go back to fourchan, they'll love you there.[QUOTE="k3ck"]
Valve though as they haven't released anything that great since HL2.
what has Valve done which is so great since HL2? Left 4 DEAD? Brainless shoot em up with zombies. LOL Team Fortress 2? A chopped down version of the original Team Fortress with small maps and cartoon graphics. I mean those games were alright but great? no...
I care to differ. Left 4 Dead 2 is all but brainless. You should play it with friends who know what they're doing and you'll see there are a lot of scenes that require quite a bit of teamwork and preparation. As for Team Fortress 2 - it's a very deep game with an insane amount of content. The cartoonish graphics help to make it less heavy and more approachable from an atmospheric standpoint. Great game with great mechanics.And... Have you even played the Portals or the Episodes? I mean, Episode Two has some of the best action scenes I've ever played in a game (a certain Strider defense mission and an amazing chopper fight come to mind) and the Portals have puzzles that are downright brilliant. Having not even mentioned these while saying Valve hasn't made anything great since 2004 kind of invalidates your argument, because you're ignoring four of their most highly-regarded games.
Bioware used to be my favorite developer but with their recent business practices I've stopped caring about them really.I have no problems with their games really (I thought ME3 was still great despite the ending, which I felt the EC improved a lot... but DA2 was still pretty bad tho tbh), I just feel they're trying to squeze all the money they can out of us (that's probably EA's influence more than anything, but they still let them do it). Valve is definatly my #1 company because they actually care about their customers, not to mention the way they are trying to do cool stuff with their games in schools, and you gotta love the steam sales :P .
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