Ultrasone HFI-2400 (aka 2200) http://reviews.cnet.com/headphones/ultrasone-hfi-2200/4505-7877_7-31649808.html?tag=mncol;lst
AKG K 702 http://reviews.cnet.com/headphones/akg-k-702-open/4505-7877_7-33542260.html?tag=mncol;lst
Denon AH-D2000 http://reviews.cnet.com/headphones/akg-k-702-open/4505-7877_7-33542260.html?tag=mncol;lst
These will primarily be used for gaming with some music on the side. I'd heard that the Ultrasone HFI 780 were incredible for gaming, so I assumed the 2400 would be an improvement on top of that. $300 is my limit, though if I had to I could be persuaded to push it to $350. Looks, comfortabilty, etc. aren't a huge factor for my purchase, I just want great sounding gaming headphones. This thread here has some useful information if you want to take a look through it http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=305089.
And last but not least, thanks to anyone who can provide an answer.
*EDIT* If anyone wanted to know, I will most likely be picking an amp up for which ever pair of headphones I buy.
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