[QUOTE="zaku101"]If you got cash to burn this laptop will run any game out right now and even crysis on high.
However I would not recommend a labtop for gaming because thats just silly. Do you know how much power a gaming labtop drains? you'll just end up using it as a desktop rather than a labtop by just leaving it on the charger all the time.
I don't care what anyone said, that thing is not worth $2700, that's ridiculous. Quad sli on a laptop, you'll have the battery life of 5.............minutes.
It's a Cyberpower... so it's likely about $5 of parts recovered from a dumpster and put together with duct tape.
Anyhow... with a 1000-2000 budget you can get a very nice laptop. Like this one that will max out everything pretty much:
ASUS M70 $1549.99
It would be ludicrous to waste money on an expensive laptop, be it Sager or Cyberripoff, when it's going to have a half-life of about a couple years at best since laptops are not upgradable and often have overheating issues that further shorten their lifespan.
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