I think this is a great time to open this topic since a lot of new MMORPG's just launched like Age of Wushu, Neverwinter, Ragnarok 2, Scarlet Blade (lol) and more...
Before people start jumping to rashional conclusions like "it's based on player preferences" or any other trolling I like to say that, sure different players like different type of MMORPG's, but this is not what this topic will be about.
This topic is about gathering as much info on all current avaliable MMORPG's and comparing each other to determine what more or less they offer. Things like enjoyable combat to class choices, immersion, endgame features and pace of content updates. We currently have more choices than ever when it comes to MMORPG, but because of this I believe the market is scattered and we are seeing a lot of MMORPG's but with reduced quality than what I used to remember playing before the WOW era.
Anyways, if you are playing any MMO that doesn't force monthly sub your welcome to share to the community what exacly it offers. So I'll start...
Last MMORPG DCUO (After it was Path of Exile, but that doesn't really qualify)
Lift of things I can think:
Great graphics, almost fully voiced with a great IP. Innovative and enjoyable combat system, instanced arena type PvP, raids (operations), alerts (daily dungeons). As you can see it's the typical WOW clone minus the rated battlegrounds and a dedicated site for ranking. It has crafting and beautiful cities to explore and do side things like feats (achivements) that actually making your character stronger. It has some seasonal events, but yea that's as much as I can think of atm.
For a free to play player the cash limit can be problematic, but it's bearable. The new content (DLC) cost like $10 I believe and it's optional, which is a good thing to be in control of what you want to buy. I definitely look to check it out again once Origins come out next week. I've truly enjoyed the game over a long period for spending far less than what I remember in WOW.
Now I also started kinda Neverwinter, but haven't put much time in it to give my imput on it.
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