Just for the information of some posters here...
It was possible to get to max level in EQ by soloing, no matter the era and place in time; it was just not possible for every class (LOL at warriors/rogues). As soon as they remove the hell levels, it was also possible to do it in 1 month for some classes.
In pre-Kunark EQ, the first hundred peoples at level 50 on any server, they were almost all soloers...not groupers. And they where hardcore freaks; no matter what you want to believe. They where also very nice to me, help me a lot. Soloers where mostly nice...of course a few jerks exists, and would train you (train of mobs, not the art of teaching). And some fascists would think that a group have a right to a camp and chase a soloer away...but how can you blame a soloer for telling you that he was already on the spot for 3 hours and intent to do it many more? I couldn't myself and learn to play with them, unlike some peoples who specialised in wiping other...I could prolly write a book on how uberguilds wipe peoples out of where they want to hunt, and how they usually succeed, which is a big downer for any MMO. Droods where not groupers, many rangers where not groupers, necro and mages who max level early where not either, the first clerics at max level where undead hunter...in solo...and the list would go on.
MMOs are more varied then before. Players are more "skilled" then before. A corpse run? The guy is already defeated, beating on a dead horse isn't going to improve the game. I couldn't say I have suffered badly from CR...a few hours here and there because of some raiding mistakes. But everything existing in a CR that could be "positive", can be placed on a regular quest instead which is undertaken by the player, at a place and moment he wants. Enforcing a harsh mission or a time consuming mission on someone who just experience a failure...that was a bad idea on so many levels.
Uberguilds and PKers are very similar for a MMO in the long run. It is just a different twist of the same dirtyness.
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