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easily dawn of war - it has seven unique and colourful armies; it has a resource system i really enjoy (since it means fighting starts within the first 2 minutes); it's infantry oriented, which is perfect for me because i like war to be about men dying and it has utterly brutal combat that is just awesome to watch
very few, if any, rts games can compete with the sheer brutality of dawn of war... plus warhammer 40k is one of my favourite rp worlds
I've always been more of a fan of the more obscure RTS games - stuff like Battle Realms and Warlords Battlecry.
I guess Battle Realms might be my favourite.Â
nah; for me the c&c series lost appeal after tiberium sun.
for me starcraft takes the cake. been playing it for 9 years now. perfectly balanced; good fun.
QFT and I hate this thread.
There are too many good ones and I can't pick out a best out of it so I'll list the ones that I was able to stick to and play for a long while.
Age of Empires 2
C&C Series (all of them yes)
Dawn of War 40K
Rise of Nations
Company of Heroes
Those games are ALL worth playing and beating if you are an RTS fan. All have their own feel and brings their own things to the table. I haven't really found any RTS I like that I can play for awhile other than those. Yes I didn't like WC3 for some reason - just couldn't get into it even though I played WoW for awhile lol.
Total Annihilation(Classic)
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War + Expansions
Company of Heroes(Highly recommended)
Supreme Commander(Highly recommended)
BFME 2 + ExpansionÂ
(not in a particular sequence, all are great games :D )
These games are all great and any RTS Gamer would love them.
Dawn of War, no doubt!
Starcraft sits eagerly in my #2 spot. Those there are the 2 best RTS games ever created, in my humble opinion.
Homeworld series was a great idea, and I'm sad that it wasn't more liked by the public. It had great potential, and kept me entertained for a very long time...but it can't have the title for the Greatest! Homeworld = number 3.
CnC series was good fun, but can't be called the best.
RoN and AoE series were intuitive but boring.
Supreme Commander is also intuitive and offers a very different feel to an age-old genre...but too slow and boring for the mass market.
Company of Heroes has a number of good innovations, but generally plays like a board game...a boring one at that.
The warcraft series was very pretty, I loved the nice looks. Great game, but I never really got into it.
Any others that I haven't thought of at the moment don't come close to best RTS game.
well i think its the cnc seriesahmedalhaji
Easy question. The top spots go to...
> Company of Heroes
> the Total War series
Starcraft, C&C, and the Warcraft franchise are all solid games, and they hold important seats in the history of the RTS, but frankly, they're primative and far too similar to one another compared to Company of Heroes. As standard, base-building small-map RTS games go, the genre had been repeating itself for years until CoH came along and injected some much-needed tactical nuance (and freaky intensity!) to the mix.
The Total War games offer a take on RTS which, inexplicably, no other franchise seems interested in challenging. No, they're not perfect, but no other battle model feels quite as real as the TW games do. (There are much smarter tactical challenges out there, but you need to delve into hard-core strategy titles to experience them). It's possible to squint and imagine that a good fight in Medieval 2 is really going down--the troop numbers, the large-scale maneuvering, the emphasis on morale and shock tactics--it's awesome stuff. No one would ever mistake the contrived combat of Warcraft or C&C for warfare. Those games are neither designed nor played with even an attempt at real combat in mind. Cool as they are, they're slick boardgames wearing battle themes.
I've always been more of a fan of the more obscure RTS games - stuff like Battle Realms and Warlords Battlecry.
I guess Battle Realms might be my favourite.
I could never get into Battle Realms.....the battles were just too small and the combat too simple to keep my interest. There was a cap of like 10 units...Â
For me no rts has ever got close to starcraft. Even now its fun and well balanced and is a game I can keep playing.
I would also say Dawn of War and Company of heroes are very good games and worth a look (best rts games I've played since Starcraft but not quite as good :) ).
Havent played c&c3 or Supreme Commander much yet so cant say much about them
Hands down, Supreme Commander. No other RTS game could even come close to the action of SupCom, including starcraft. However, my 5 pick for best rts from best to worst:
1) Supreme Commander
2) Company of Heroes/Ground Control 1&2
3) Starcraft/Warcraft Series
4) Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert Series
5) Dune Series
CnC 3 cannot make the cut because after playing it for so long, it get boring, repetative and just plain tedious. Great graphics and animation, but doesn't feel that it is a true rts. Even Battlefield 2 is a better RTS than CnC 3 despite it is a FPS.
 I'm waiting for World in Conflict, now that's going to be good :D
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