New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.
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Would you rate it better than 3?Link? A forum post is not a very reliable source.
And why can't Bethesda use an advertising quote from another game if Bethesda is the same publisher? :lol:
Fallout: New Vegas is still awesome, although full of bugs.
[QUOTE="SkyWard20"]Would you rate it better than 3? I don't know... I'm still at the beginning. In terms of roleplaying, probably. Obsidian games are pretty good at that.Link? A forum post is not a very reliable source.
And why can't Bethesda use an advertising quote from another game if Bethesda is the same publisher? :lol:
Fallout: New Vegas is still awesome, although full of bugs.
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.ventnor
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft
2was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.Gladestone1
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft 3 was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
That's not true. I barely had any problems with Fallout 3 or Oblivion or most PC games I've played this gen, but I had to exit & re-enter or reload New Vegas a few time because:1 - trying to use my science skill on a computer froze the game, not once but multiple times on the same computer.
2 - my character would swing his melee weapon continuously
3 - I couldn't shoot my gun at all anymore.
And I'm just at the beginning. I still like the game though.
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.Gladestone1
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft 3 was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.mAArdman
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft 3 was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
Except Obsidian has a record of working for people that suck at their jobs...Kotor2 was given only a year to be made, Alpha Protocol was pushed out by SEGA. Now they made something for Bethesda who must have a testing deparment consisitng of 10 people becouse all their games are bugged up the butt. If the game is buggy upon release dont blame Obisidian blame Bethesda. Very few Developers have their own testing teams, thats the job of the publisher.
Link? A forum post is not a very reliable source.
And why can't Bethesda use an advertising quote from another game if Bethesda is the same publisher? :lol:
Fallout: New Vegas is still awesome, although full of bugs.
There's plenty of links in the link, just read it.
Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message... people will buy even if you put out unfinished, buggy games. Patches being released on game launch has become the norm. It's a easy way to cash in quick and still keep some satisfied... not me.
Not true. Some games hardly have any bugs at all. Obsidian's games are known for their technical problems, so for New Vegas to have some is not that surprising.
I don't remember Starcraft 2 being full of bugs. Most of its patches were related to balancing.
Most games receive 1 or 2 fix patches and then it's either balancing or the patches stop coming out.
It's getting off topic though.rzepak
Except Obsidian has a record of working for people that suck at their jobs...Kotor2 was given only a year to be made, Alpha Protocol was pushed out by SEGA. Now they made something for Bethesda who must have a testing deparment consisitng of 10 people becouse all their games are bugged up the butt. If the game is buggy upon release dont blame Obisidian blame Bethesda. Very few Developers have their own testing teams, thats the job of the publisher.
Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message...
Yup, that a good game is a good game, regardless of if it has some bugs, known of which ive encountered.
Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message...
Yup, that a good game is a good game, regardless of if it has some bugs, known of which ive encountered.
Yet you would still rather be posting here than playing your "GOOD"game. That sends an even stronger message...
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.Gladestone1
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft 3 was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
FO3 is still riddled with bugs, I'm replaying it now and am amazed some of this stuff hasn't been patched yet.
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.Gladestone1
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft 3 was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
And Gothic 3 got horrible reviews for it.. Obsidian is NOTORIOUS with releasing unfinished games with some of the buggiest (if not the buggiest) games I have ever played at release.. Neverwinter Nights 2 was the biggest one of them all.. It had visuals that really often times were no better then Guild Wars was, yet ran like a game that was 2 to 3 times more demanding.
Yup, that a good game is a good game, regardless of if it has some bugs, known of which ive encountered.
Yet you would still rather be posting here than playing your "GOOD"game. That sends an even stronger message...
I absolutely agree with warmaster670, and the reason why I am not playing this very second is I am at work. Your logic fails.Actually mate, her logic doesn't fail andis spot on. Maybe you should try working at work instead of ripping your employer off and surfing the net on your companies dime.
How can they "force" websites to take down bad reviews? Surely thats impossible, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
edit: Oh i see, they're pulling advertisement from sites not giving good enough reviews. Reminds of the Kayne and Lynch deal at gamespot.
hahaha, I notice the full blown New Vegas ads are gone from the gamespot front page. i wonder if it has anything to do with the 7.5 console scores. :lol:
Yeah I finished the game completing most of the quests and I only crashed 2 times outside of one particular area which was crash city but besides that it was fine.
Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message...
Yup, that a good game is a good game, regardless of if it has some bugs, known of which ive encountered.
Yet you would still rather be posting here than playing your "GOOD"game. That sends an even stronger message...
so if you post your thoughts on a game on a forum, the game apparently sucks because the person isnt playing it at that very moment? this goes for many people: i like games, but im not gonna play the game all day. i'd like to come on here to post for a bit. i know this is straying far from the subject, but just to prove a point: what if im talking to my friend about sex? i like sex, but i dont have sex with my girlfriend all the time. so, if im talking to my friend about it, and im not doing it at that moment, that means i dont like sex and/or that it isnt good?[QUOTE="warmaster670"]
Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message...
Yup, that a good game is a good game, regardless of if it has some bugs, known of which ive encountered.
Yet you would still rather be posting here than playing your "GOOD"game. That sends an even stronger message...
Ya, here i though i was human and didnt play videogames 24/7, but your right, my one post on gamepsot sure does show how much new vegas sucks.
I mean, if your not plaing it 24/7 it sucks right?
Heck, for all you know, im posting WHILE im playing, this is the pc forum isnt it?
Some people like a game and some people will not. I don't understand how people can pay hard earned money for a buggy mess. It's like certain people will pay anything just to be the first to play it and the companies that release this garbage are laughing all the way to the bank.
I guess when it's mommy and daddys money though it doesn't matter.
An honest post. I swear I don't understand why kids think they have to defend this crap. Obsidian knew the game was full of bugs - otherwise they wouldn't have thrown in male prostitution, puke inducing robot sex, and the other gross sensationalistic tidbits to try and boost sales.Some people like a game and some people will not. I don't understand how people can pay hard earned money for a buggy mess. It's like certain people will pay anything just to be the first to play it and the companies that release this garbage are laughing all the way to the bank.
I guess when it's mommy and daddys money though it doesn't matter.
[QUOTE="DrJ0NES"]An honest post. I swear I don't understand why kids think they have to defend this crap. Obsidian knew the game was full of bugs - otherwise they wouldn't have thrown in male prostitution, puke inducing robot sex, and the other gross sensationalistic tidbits to try and boost sales.Some people like a game and some people will not. I don't understand how people can pay hard earned money for a buggy mess. It's like certain people will pay anything just to be the first to play it and the companies that release this garbage are laughing all the way to the bank.
I guess when it's mommy and daddys money though it doesn't matter.
Ive said it before, and ill say it again, id rather play a buggy good game, especially one i knows gonna get patches, then a completely bug free mediocre one.
Not only that, but all these reports of bugs and i havnt seen a single one of them, you know, because not everyone has the same problems, you contunue to go ahead and buy your perfect bug free games though, meanwhile ill play the games that are actually fun.
Ive said it before, and ill say it again, id rather play a buggy good game, especially one i knows gonna get patches, then a completely bug free mediocre one.warmaster670I could not agree more with you. Bugs can be patched and PC games modded, but there are very few good fixes for sheer mediocrity and crappiness.
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.Gladestone1
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft
2was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
this is just so wrong it's amazing. No program is perfect but the difference between gothic 3 and a game like starcraft is so astronomical I am surprised you are even able to type a sentence. Seriously, where do apologists like you come from, go back to your hole.That sounds awesome, can't wait to play it! You are the one who will have to live in the world you help create. Remember that, when you get older.[QUOTE="Born_Lucky"]...otherwise they wouldn't have thrown in male prostitution, puke inducing robot sex, and the other gross sensationalistic tidbits to try and boost sales.Gooeykat
Here is my issue, everyone runs out to buy a new game from Bethesda or Obsidian. Why the hell would you do this? They are known to release buggy games that take months to fix and frankly aren't worth the price of packaging until they are patched into a playable state.
At its core it is a good game. That being said they have half assed basically every game. I would give it a 7/10. Its a good game, has a good story, has good gameplay, good graphics, but has bugs beyond belief. I myself haven't run into one but I have seen videos of it.Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message... people will buy even if you put out unfinished, buggy games. Patches being released on game launch has become the norm. It's a easy way to cash in quick and still keep some satisfied... not me.
At its core it is a good game. That being said they have half assed basically every game. I would give it a 7/10. Its a good game, has a good story, has good gameplay, good graphics, but has bugs beyond belief. I myself haven't run into one but I have seen videos of it.Bugs galore but people still keep buying it which sends a message... people will buy even if you put out unfinished, buggy games. Patches being released on game launch has become the norm. It's a easy way to cash in quick and still keep some satisfied... not me.
The fact is simple. The Bethesda engine is what, 7 years old? And as glitchy, buggy, and performance poor as ever. -CheeseEater-It's not Bethesdas engine. This same engine was used for a couple of games before Oblivion first used it. I remember Dark age of Camelot using Gamebryo.
New Vegas is full of bugs, website reviews and says it's not that great. Bethesda is angry and forces them to pull it down until ad campaign is done.robokill
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft
2was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
this is just so wrong it's amazing. No program is perfect but the difference between gothic 3 and a game like starcraft is so astronomical I am surprised you are even able to type a sentence. Seriously, where do apologists like you come from, go back to your hole.First your wrong on so many levels im not even sure where to start..Many games have been pushed out with bugs in them..Fallout 3 had a lot of bugs yet sold millions..So give me a break..Ive been around the pc gaming since before you can crawl..Been around the block an seen more games start out badly but end up fixed with patches..Gothic 3 was a mess look back on it..Yet with many patches the games stable now..Starcraft my mouse didnt even show up on the game for a month..Before commenting no facts..Was making a statement that not every game is perfect..Every pc game ive ever known needed patches to be fixed..Stop also using grammar as your last line of defence..Hate people that use that as a lame argument..Grow up..
this is just so wrong it's amazing. No program is perfect but the difference between gothic 3 and a game like starcraft is so astronomical I am surprised you are even able to type a sentence. Seriously, where do apologists like you come from, go back to your hole.[QUOTE="robokill"]
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft
2was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
First your wrong on so many levels im not even sure where to start..Many games have been pushed out with bugs in them..Fallout 3 had a lot of bugs yet sold millions..So give me a break..Ive been around the pc gaming since before you can crawl..Been around the block an seen more games start out badly but end up fixed with patches..Gothic 3 was a mess look back on it..Yet with many patches the games stable now..Starcraft my mouse didnt even show up on the game for a month..Before commenting no facts..Was making a statement that not every game is perfect..Every pc game ive ever known needed patches to be fixed..Stop also using grammar as your last line of defence..Hate people that use that as a lame argument..Grow up..
First your not old enough to have been around computer games sense I could crawl. I've watched through the years as games have increasingly gotten released in a broken state because of the internet and the ability to dl patches. I've hated this sense it started and still do. But not all games are released broken. I'm only bringing this up cause you start by stating that "Many games have been pushed out with bugs in them" and ended with "Every pc game ive ever known needed patches to be fixed". Now I'm not confused but it appears you are. Doom 3 and Bioshock are 2 games that come off the top of my head that I never had to patch. Not all patches are designed to fix bugs also, some are developed to improve the gameplay experience. Just sayin'.
Yeah... you can't really comprehend a sentence so there really
this is just so wrong it's amazing. No program is perfect but the difference between gothic 3 and a game like starcraft is so astronomical I am surprised you are even able to type a sentence. Seriously, where do apologists like you come from, go back to your hole.[QUOTE="robokill"]
First every pc game is full of bugs nothing new..Stated before starcraft
2was riddled also..No one talked about that..Gothic 3 wasnt great till years later..Sims 3 is still being patched till this day an its 2 years later.CIv five was buggy day one also. fixed bye patches..Elemental was omfg horrible day one..Now fixed with patches..Stop with the obsidion bashing bro...EVery pc game has flaws..This is nothing new, wow now this is getting out of hand..
First your wrong on so many levels im not even sure where to start..Many games have been pushed out with bugs in them..Fallout 3 had a lot of bugs yet sold millions..So give me a break..Ive been around the pc gaming since before you can crawl..Been around the block an seen more games start out badly but end up fixed with patches..Gothic 3 was a mess look back on it..Yet with many patches the games stable now..Starcraft my mouse didnt even show up on the game for a month..Before commenting no facts..Was making a statement that not every game is perfect..Every pc game ive ever known needed patches to be fixed..Stop also using grammar as your last line of defence..Hate people that use that as a lame argument..Grow up..
you have issues understanding logic, you say one thing that's completely wrong and then change your words and pretend it was the same the entire time. Saying every pc game is full of bugs and many games are pushed out with bugs is a very different thing. I bought gothic 3 on release day and I'm well aware what a mess it was. If you can't handle logical statements that's not my fault, anyone who has even a basic knowledge of programming knows that there is no such thing as a perfect program, 100% of programs are imperfect because of the fact that there are multiple solutions for every problem so complaining about a program having bugs shows a general misunderstanding of the problem. As games become increasingly complex there will be more bugs, there is an optimum period of time to release a product that economists determine based on investment:return ratios, Bethesda needs to release their game before Christmas to make a profitable return because spending more time on the game will drastically increase expenses while at the same time decreasing income resulting in a lower net profit. Sure you may have played a lot of games but complaining about a game having bugs is like complaining about the sky being blue and shows a general lack of any knowledge regarding programming and economics. Oh sorry, was there too much grammar for you? are you offended on your high horse because you shouldn't be, you should realize you are a lot less knowledgeable and a lot more selfish than you wahhh.. why'd you release fallout with so many bugs?
Obsidian: because our publisher gave us a deadline based on economic trends
you: but I want a perfect game! why didn't you give me what I want!!
Obsidian: because if we did that we would lose money and not be able to produce games in the future, gaming is such a competitive market that we can not stand to have a net loss. The only solution we possibly have is to release the game in a playable state and fix any bugs from there. Why don't you try starting your own company and then you can complain.
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