STARCRAFT 2 anounced
DIABLO 3 anounced
(omg im so happy)
Quake 4- there are scenes that just made "wooow",graphics are amazing
When i played WC3 TFT for the first time i was like "HOLY CRAP" this intro movie is pwning(the one when Ilidan summons nagas),and ingame music was fantastic
Let Down Most Satisfaction
Unreal3 coming to consoles
Oblivion - its great game and i love it but i liked morrowind more
Gothic 3- bad optimization,i had high hopes for that game
Most Satisfaction
Whatching how overhyped console games turn out to be nothing special
World of Warcraft,Warcraft and Diablo series
Quake series
Unreal series
Half Life series + mods
Watching beautifull sceneries in Far Cry
Gothic series
Homeworld series
Baldurs Gate series
There are few games that i played when i was younger that i liked verry much.but now i probably wouldnt enjoy them
There is lot more games but im little tired and cant remember them right now,ill mybe add tham later(if i remember :D )
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