I'll have to go with Blizzard even though I have only played Diablo 2 for a short time. I did however love Mass Effect, one of the only BioWare games I think I have ever played. I pick Blizzard because they take time with their games to ensure they are perfect. Their games don't suffer from dumbing down/consolization, and they don't have moronic business models like BioWare/EA and charge for DLC / have extra content held out of the game in advance of the games release to be sold later on. Blizzard > BioWare.
LOL BW.. they haven't made a good RPG in a long time. Since BG2. DA was ok but still meh not all that. And they're not even good at dumbed down mainstreamed RPGs, which is what they've shifted their talents too lately. Blizzard doesn't make very deep rpgs either, but at least they're good at what they do.
I can't argue that Blizzard releases allmost perfectly polished games. THE ONLY DAMN PROBLEM is that they do it once EVERY DECADE............ For that very reason Bioware is the curent KING 8)
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