Its a very solid list, well done to Mass effect 2 anyway its winning awards everywhere at the moment. Also its a shame we dont have Red Dead Redemtion on the PC as thats looking to be GOTY on consoles.
Civ 5 over Starcraft 2? Okay, I haven't actually played Civ 5 lol but from what I've read and been told its quite buggy and has an uneven difficulty for experienced players. From what I've experienced with SC2, its just a masterful RTS (mechanically, the story is a different matter)
LOL i Just noticed this: Action Adventure - Just Cause 2, honourable mentions: Batman: AA - uhhh problem? That was LAST year?
I like their choices. I have played parts of ME 2 and Just Cause 2, and those games are solid from what I can tell. I need to get Braid during the Steam sale. I've heard nothing but good things about it.
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