CEO of blizzard/activision has come up with a nutty little idea..
hey everybody my games will no longer feature cutscenes.. if you want em your going to need to fork over additional bread.
in short.. no more cutscenes (omitting perhaps the intro and ending to a game) unless you wish to pay 20-30 bucks more.. digitally only.
while the blizzard side of his round table is in uproar over this and is refusing to let it stand.. the activision side seems to have whole ehartedly grabbed this idea.
whats worse is that these cutscenes could even come to theaters.. thats right a movie of in-game blurbs... and he would expect you to shill out 30 bucks their as well for them..
i for one am disgusted at the idea.
im all for trying new things, im all for developers working togeather.. but to the boys at blizzard activision.. if you lvoe something enough you should really learn to be able to part ways..
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