The Half-Life expansions, their work on Counter Strike and the Halo port are legendary. Those games alone make Gearbox one of the most respected devs.
I agree.
Gearbox, to me, is like the country cook that takes the scraps from the high-classrestaurants and turns it into a wonderful stew with suprising complexity and depth. I think they need a certain amount of leniency when they come up with a 100% original game.
Opposing Force alone puts Gearbox up there among the big boys, so i agree with you guys on this. however, i do think Borderlands looks bland....
wel, I still donjt know how the Borderlands experience plays out
Is it a linear game? (like Halflife 2)
iIs it sandbox? (like Oblivion)
Or is it a hybrid of the two? (like Mass Effect)
I am refering to the campaign, not the gameplay
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