Can someone tell me a really good rpg?
Here is the list of the rpg's I played
1.Every single Bioware RPG including NWN 2 and exp. plus Kotor 2
2.The Witcher
3.Gothic Series
4.Diablo Series
5.The Elder Scrolls Series
6.Hell I finished Two Worlds...
7.Sacred series
9.Vampire series
10.Fallout series(Finished every single Fallout 3 DLC)
11.Bioshock(Has some rpg elements)
12.Planescape Torment (The one and only!)
And If the game could have a greater foucus on the dialog,it would be perfect.I don't care much about the graphics its the gameplay that counts!
oh I also have another problem...
When I try to play Baldurs Gate 2 Shadows of Amn it keeps freezing
My config:Some Core2Duo Proccessor
8800GT 1GB
I think these are the most important componets
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