Gamespot review brink for the PC and rated it allongside it's PS3 and Xbox counterparts. That's complete crap.
The PC version of this game is superior. Way to not play each version seperately.
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Gamespot review brink for the PC and rated it allongside it's PS3 and Xbox counterparts. That's complete crap.
The PC version of this game is superior. Way to not play each version seperately.
Welcome to CasualSpot were most multiplate reviews are copy-pasta.
Yep, it seems the only time the PC even gets an edited review is when the PC version is worse than console, like with GTA IV.
Side note: I just had a quick check of the reviews for GTA IV, the game (on console) got 10/10, what complete crap. Who ever reviewwd that game should feel bad. Except for graphics, GTA IV was in every way, inferior to GTA SA, which scored lower.
EDIT: Wow, my spelling & grammar was horrible with that post.
well last year fallout 3, metro 2033, and lost planet 2 all scored higher on PC than the console counterparts. They do do stuff both ways, just not very much either way.Yep, it seems the only time the PC even gets and edited review is when the PC version is worse than console, like with GTA IV.
Side not: I just had a quick check of the reviews for GTA IV, the game the game (on console) 10/10, what complete crap. Who ever review that game should feel bad. Except for graphics, GTA IV was in every way, inferior to GTA SA, which scored lower.C_Rule
well last year fallout 3, metro 2033, and lost planet 2 all scored higher on PC than the console counterparts. They do do stuff both ways, just not very much either way. But the reviews themselves, are just slightly edited versions of the console ones.[QUOTE="C_Rule"]
Yep, it seems the only time the PC even gets and edited review is when the PC version is worse than console, like with GTA IV.
Side not: I just had a quick check of the reviews for GTA IV, the game the game (on console) 10/10, what complete crap. Who ever review that game should feel bad. Except for graphics, GTA IV was in every way, inferior to GTA SA, which scored lower.ferret-gamer
Having tried both xbox and PC versions I also cant belive PC didnt get a much better score, its like two different games as far as how they run,etc..
Anyways, I am having a blast and thats all that matters, just hope more people will give this game a chance and decide for themsleves.
Having tried both xbox and PC versions I also cant belive PC didnt get a much better score, its like two different games as far as how they run,etc..
Anyways, I am having a blast and thats all that matters, just hope more people will give this game a chance and decide for themsleves.
Agreed even though i was in a horrible group tonight..Like when i play in kozzys team..When you get involved with a group of guys who work as a team..Than the game really shines..Its not your typical run and gun game..Swapped to a healer tonight and im having a tad more fun playing healer..How ever there are other functions..If you can get the right group its a blast to play..Best in years..Better than cod..
What I have yet to hear in this thread is how the PC version is so much better. What makes it different/better? And have you played both version at length?Gamespot review brink for the PC and rated it allongside it's PS3 and Xbox counterparts. That's complete crap.
The PC version of this game is superior. Way to not play each version seperately.
well last year fallout 3, metro 2033, and lost planet 2 all scored higher on PC than the console counterparts. They do do stuff both ways, just not very much either way. And a couple of years back, Dragon Age Origins got the best score and substantially best review on the PC.[QUOTE="C_Rule"]
Yep, it seems the only time the PC even gets and edited review is when the PC version is worse than console, like with GTA IV.
Side not: I just had a quick check of the reviews for GTA IV, the game the game (on console) 10/10, what complete crap. Who ever review that game should feel bad. Except for graphics, GTA IV was in every way, inferior to GTA SA, which scored lower.ferret-gamer
so true.Yep, it seems the only time the PC even gets and edited review is when the PC version is worse than console, like with GTA IV.
Side note: I just had a quick check of the reviews for GTA IV, the game the game (on console) 10/10, what complete crap. Who ever review that game should feel bad. Except for graphics, GTA IV was in every way, inferior to GTA SA, which scored lower.C_Rule
I think the entire entity known as 'reviewing' need to be put off for a day or two after release to allow devs to send out that patch which just missed implimentation. Like the day 1 patch on the consoles which fixed the majority of the issues described in the console reviews. I say they need to re-review it.
No.. that would just continue to reward laziness of a developer.. What you describe is what gamespot has "after the facts". Sadly, gamespot barely uses it .I think the entire entity known as 'reviewing' need to be put off for a day or two after release to allow devs to send out that patch which just missed implimentation. Like the day 1 patch on the consoles which fixed the majority of the issues described in the console reviews. I say they need to re-review it.
well last year fallout 3, metro 2033, and lost planet 2 all scored higher on PC than the console counterparts. They do do stuff both ways, just not very much either way.
You forgot the DA:O review, where the PC got a 9.5 rating, head-and-shoulders above any other platform.
The Brink PC review had some different comments in the body. This assures me that Skyrim's obvious flaws will be shown, and that hype doesn't affect reviews.:)
Boo hoo. Stop blaming reviewers when a mediocre game gets a mediocre score. Blame the devs for not finishing the job.
The only multi-platform game that I could remember receiving a "deserving" PC-platform specific score was Dragon Age Origins. Gamespot doesn't acknowledge the PC platform. At least not the way they use to..Elann2008
Dragon Age Origins, TF2, Risen and Fallout New Vegas are the multiplat games that I personally think are leagues better on pc. Brink is one more of those games, just doesnt feel right on consoles and the main thing is there are less bugs and mainly much less lag then xbox version.
I am pretty surprised they didnt give pc version better score, but its only a review in the end :P
Good thing they weren't playing on a PC with a Radeon HD4xxx series card. They may have given it an even worse score for this gnarly grid and being unplayable. :|
IGN has the best reviews on the internet check them out.sexygirl6t9"Shadow Hearts" and "God Hand" would disagree with you...
Good thing they weren't playing on a PC with a Radeon series card.
***EDIT.... patch out on steam now that fixes this issue with ATI cards***
You can actually fix that quite easy if you did some research.
"includes performance optimizations and resolves various quality issues for hte upcoming relase of Brink"
9# Brink – Grid Effect and Blue Tinted Screen - See ATI Fix to resolve this issue ^^
Anyways, I have a friend who has a ati card and it runs very well. Try that hotfix might help your issues to. Also some people turn off Motion Blur for increase in performance.
Anyways, Splash Damage has another update coming soon (the first update made it so I hav eno lag online which is nice, hope 2nd is as good), I am hoping it fixes the sound issue that happpens sometimes on maps, thats really my only issue personally is the sound cuts off once in awhile.
its good to check your graphics card website to see if any new updates/hotfix are out when a new game comes out.
gamespot doesnt give a damn about Pc.just compare the score witcher 1 and witcher 1 enhanced edition, both recieved 8.5malikmmmDid they really give seperate reviews for both versions? They should have scored the same, anyway, as the enhanced edition was available as a free patch to people with the original version. In essence, they are the same game, and if anything, the original is the superior version as it can be played with or without the enhanced features.
K I have a question (setting aside the reviews, as I know how lazy GS can be with the pc reviews)
Does the pc version truly have less bugs, and much better performance and visuals?
Does it really need an Icore5 to max out at 60fps at say 1080p (or would a Phenom II x4 at 3ghz paired with a GTX570 be able do it as well)?
I am still interested and would give it a chance, (once it came down in price) but only if it truly is much better on pc than console.
K I have a question (setting aside the reviews, as I know how lazy GS can be with the pc reviews)
Does the pc version truly have less bugs, and much better performance and visuals?
Does it really need an Icore5 to max out at 60fps at say 1080p (or would a Phenom II x4 at 3ghz paired with a GTX570 be able do it as well)?
I am still interested and would give it a chance, (once it came down in price) but only if it truly is much better on pc than console.
The xbox version has alot of lag, I donno if its because of the P2P and not using dedicated servers like the PC version or what.
The PC version looks better then the xbox version, not a crazy amount but definatly looks better, especially at longer distances.
I tried 1-2 hours of xbox version and 24 of pc version, the difference is huge.
The specs you listed would be fine, I have a quad core and 460 GTX overclocked SE edition and its runs very well.
If your looking for a good online game that is 100% about teamwork then pick it up (somewhat like Unreal2k4 and TF2). If you are looking for a campaign and singleplayer then I would not reccomend the game, the online though is fantastic. Definatly not for everyone as its got a big learning curve and also doesnt allow for COD/Rambo style solo play, its all about team work here.
There are some bugs on the PC version (audio goes out on this one map for me sometimes and I have seen twice two team mates dissapear, although that is not much in about 24 hour Ive played of the game). Just small issues that I have with the game personally, nothing huge. The server browser sucks to (but that just got fixed)
Also here is the info for the 2nd update that just got released a few minutes ago! Love to see the support from Splash!
Fixed issues with custom ui_fov settings when playing as a client
Added support for 2560x1440
Slightly improved start up times
Fixed crash when clicking in blank area on Training Videos menu
Fixed memory leaks on shutdown
Fixed Be More Objective leaderboards being incorrectly named
Fixed "texture gridding" issues on certain graphics cards
Fixed settings being incorrectly applied on the advanced video options screen
Improved performance when using Ambient Occlusion
Fixed halos not rendering correctly
AI Bots:
Removed bot intelligence inhibitors for Freeplay games
Adjusted bot behaviour in Campaign games to make teams more evenly matched
Changed bots' objective priorities across all game modes
Fixed issue with bot difficulty continually dropping
User Interface:
Fixed poor server browser performance for users with a large number of items in their history
Made server browser refreshes much more responsive
Changed server browser to no longer group player counts by max players
Added new pop-up text for server browser filters
Fixed not being able to sort by favourites column
Server browser now retrieves favourites correctly from Steam
Fixed arrow keys not working when exiting out of a chat submenu
Made it easier to select a default secondary weapon
Disabled chat options in solo mode
Dedicated Servers:
Can now use net_ip command to assign IPs to server instances
Dedicated server binary can now be run as a service, which won't have a CSIDL_PERSONAL virtual folder
K I have a question (setting aside the reviews, as I know how lazy GS can be with the pc reviews)
Does the pc version truly have less bugs, and much better performance and visuals?
Does it really need an Icore5 to max out at 60fps at say 1080p (or would a Phenom II x4 at 3ghz paired with a GTX570 be able do it as well)?
I am still interested and would give it a chance, (once it came down in price) but only if it truly is much better on pc than console.
The xbox version has alot of lag, I donno if its because of the P2P and not using dedicated servers like the PC version or what.
The PC version looks better then the xbox version, not a crazy amount but definatly looks better, especially at longer distances.
I tried 1-2 hours of xbox version and 24 of pc version, the difference is huge.
The specs you listed would be fine, I have a quad core and 460 GTX overclocked SE edition and its runs very well.
If your looking for a good online game that is 100% about teamwork then pick it up (somewhat like Unreal2k4 and TF2). If you are looking for a campaign and singleplayer then I would not reccomend the game, the online though is fantastic. Definatly not for everyone as its got a big learning curve and also doesnt allow for COD/Rambo style solo play, its all about team work here.
There are some bugs on the PC version (audio goes out on this one map for me sometimes and I have seen twice two team mates dissapear, although that is not much in about 24 hour Ive played of the game). Just small issues that I have with the game personally, nothing huge. The server browser sucks to (but that just got fixed)
If I got it would be for the multiplayer, I could always go bulletstorm for the single player... lol
It does seem like something I should keep a look out for to go on some sale, like Steams massive Summer and Winter Solstice sales... The Summer one is not too far away!!!
Thx for the breakdown bro.
K I have a question (setting aside the reviews, as I know how lazy GS can be with the pc reviews)
Does the pc version truly have less bugs, and much better performance and visuals?
Does it really need an Icore5 to max out at 60fps at say 1080p (or would a Phenom II x4 at 3ghz paired with a GTX570 be able do it as well)?
I am still interested and would give it a chance, (once it came down in price) but only if it truly is much better on pc than console.
The xbox version has alot of lag, I donno if its because of the P2P and not using dedicated servers like the PC version or what.
The PC version looks better then the xbox version, not a crazy amount but definatly looks better, especially at longer distances.
I tried 1-2 hours of xbox version and 24 of pc version, the difference is huge.
The specs you listed would be fine, I have a quad core and 460 GTX overclocked SE edition and its runs very well.
If your looking for a good online game that is 100% about teamwork then pick it up (somewhat like Unreal2k4 and TF2). If you are looking for a campaign and singleplayer then I would not reccomend the game, the online though is fantastic. Definatly not for everyone as its got a big learning curve and also doesnt allow for COD/Rambo style solo play, its all about team work here.
There are some bugs on the PC version (audio goes out on this one map for me sometimes and I have seen twice two team mates dissapear, although that is not much in about 24 hour Ive played of the game). Just small issues that I have with the game personally, nothing huge. The server browser sucks to (but that just got fixed)
If I got it would be for the multiplayer, I could always go bulletstorm for the single player... lol
It does seem like something I should keep a look out for to go on some sale, like Steams massive Summer and Winter Solstice sales... The Summer one is not too far away!!!
Thx for the breakdown bro.
No problem dude, let me know if you pick it up and well run some matches.
IGN has the best reviews on the internet check them out.sexygirl6t9LOL what are you talking about? IGN is paid for almost all their hyped game reviews (even if the game itself isnt good) , and underscores everything else.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]Played the pc version and boy it was bad. A good port yes but the game is bad. I can only imagine how worse its on consoles.kozzy1234
Much better then that unbalanced MW2 imo, but a long shot.
Better than cod? HELLLL NOOOOOOO Hell,no, i am going back to play black ops. Brink is terrible. As for the unbalanced mw2? 9/10 gamers agree that mw2 was more fun, unbalanced yes but still more fun than black ops. Anyway brink for me is terrible, i stay the hell away from it and id rather go back and play cod. Brink has no sense of achievement in its gameplay and the level and upgrade system is very poor to bother keep playing it.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"][QUOTE="dakan45"]Played the pc version and boy it was bad. A good port yes but the game is bad. I can only imagine how worse its on consoles.dakan45
Much better then that unbalanced MW2 imo, but a long shot.
Better than cod? HELLLL NOOOOOOO Hell,no, i am going back to play black ops. Brink is terrible. As for the unbalanced mw2? 9/10 gamers agree that mw2 was more fun, unbalanced yes but still more fun than black ops. Anyway brink for me is terrible, i stay the hell away from it and id rather go back and play cod. Brink has no sense of achievement in its gameplay and the level and upgrade system is very poor to bother keep playing it.Fair enough, but to me it destroys the COD series, Halo series and anything else not named Bad Company2 or TF2 of the last 5 years.
Better gameplay, better level design, it actually requires teamwork, higher fun factor and better controls imo then any of the last COD games.
I dont expect big COD fans to like this game, its not RAMBO/SOLO style action, its all team oriented like Enemy Territories.
In fact the only complaint ive heard online was from a COD player who said "Where is my deathmatch? Game sucks if it doesnt have deathamtch like COD. And why am I getting more points for objectives then getting kills".
Its a team work/objective game, not meant for people who want to run around like superman and try to get 1000 kills.
the PC version is the prefered method to play this game if you are going to. it is night and day a different game from the console versionI really want to check this out now. I heard it was pretty buggy, but it seems like the PC version is much better from what you guys are saying. The gameplay looked very interesting from what I saw.
I really want to check this out now. I heard it was pretty buggy, but it seems like the PC version is much better from what you guys are saying. The gameplay looked very interesting from what I saw.
They're already fixing a ton of bugs too. Theres already been two patches. Another week or two and it will be in great shape.
I really want to check this out now. I heard it was pretty buggy, but it seems like the PC version is much better from what you guys are saying. The gameplay looked very interesting from what I saw.
They're already fixing a ton of bugs too. Theres already been two patches. Another week or two and it will be in great shape.
I have a few questions: How is the community right now? Well populated? Friendly players? Thank you in advance.[QUOTE="agpickle"]
I really want to check this out now. I heard it was pretty buggy, but it seems like the PC version is much better from what you guys are saying. The gameplay looked very interesting from what I saw.
They're already fixing a ton of bugs too. Theres already been two patches. Another week or two and it will be in great shape.
I have a few questions: How is the community right now? Well populated? Friendly players? Thank you in advance. there are about 800 servers... 1/3rd of those seem to be full in the afternoons. another 1/3rd arent full (usually 6-7/8 or 14/16 depending on the server), and the final 1/3rd have no players. i would say it is a fairly active game right now.Great patch today that fixed the two issues I had with the game, great to see Splash Damage suppor the game this quickly. Hopefully we get more support in the future for this amazing game.
Fixed issues with custom ui_fov settings when playing as a client
Added support for 2560x1440
Slightly improved start up times
Fixed crash when clicking in blank area on Training Videos menu
Fixed memory leaks on shutdown
Fixed Be More Objective leaderboards being incorrectly named
Fixed "texture gridding" issues on certain graphics cards
Fixed settings being incorrectly applied on the advanced video options screen
Improved performance when using Ambient Occlusion
Fixed halos not rendering correctly
AI Bots:
Removed bot intelligence inhibitors for Freeplay games
Adjusted bot behaviour in Campaign games to make teams more evenly matched
Changed bots' objective priorities across all game modes
Fixed issue with bot difficulty continually dropping
User Interface:
Fixed poor server browser performance for users with a large number of items in their history
Made server browser refreshes much more responsive
Changed server browser to no longer group player counts by max players
Added new pop-up text for server browser filters
Fixed not being able to sort by favourites column
Server browser now retrieves favourites correctly from Steam
Fixed arrow keys not working when exiting out of a chat submenu
Made it easier to select a default secondary weapon
Disabled chat options in solo mode
Dedicated Servers:
Can now use net_ip command to assign IPs to server instances
Dedicated server binary can now be run as a service, which won't have a CSIDL_PERSONAL virtual folder
[QUOTE="Elann2008"]I have a few questions: How is the community right now? Well populated? Friendly players? Thank you in advance. there are about 800 servers... 1/3rd of those seem to be full in the afternoons. another 1/3rd arent full (usually 6-7/8 or 14/16 depending on the server), and the final 1/3rd have no players. i would say it is a fairly active game right now.[QUOTE="agpickle"]
They're already fixing a ton of bugs too. Theres already been two patches. Another week or two and it will be in great shape.
ALOT more servers are coming up as the game gets released in other places besides NA.
Very easy to find a game, weither you want room for 1 or 2 people or an empty dedicated server to do a clan match on.
Hope we get more updates and I heard modding tools are coming soon, this great game can only get better and better.
Splash Damage has always provided great modding and map makers. Random question: I have all settings on high and all options on, but my frame rate runs pretty low. What should be the first thing I change?TrinexxxAmbient Occlusion then shadows methinks. What kinda video card?
Splash Damage has always provided great modding and map makers. Random question: I have all settings on high and all options on, but my frame rate runs pretty low. What should be the first thing I change?Trinexxx
Ambient Occlusion I turn off and it runs good. One of my friends plays with Depth of View or something off also.
The singleplayer has a fps limit I think, online doesnt though.
Alot of people on the forums online say they get close to double the FPS with Ambient Occlusion off.
[QUOTE="Trinexxx"]Splash Damage has always provided great modding and map makers. Random question: I have all settings on high and all options on, but my frame rate runs pretty low. What should be the first thing I change?InconsistancyAmbient Occlusion then shadows methinks. What kinda video card? Radeon HD 5870, just auto synced on CCC and downloaded the newest hotfix.
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