Much better then that unbalanced MW2 imo, but a long shot.
Better than cod? HELLLL NOOOOOOO Hell,no, i am going back to play black ops. Brink is terrible. As for the unbalanced mw2? 9/10 gamers agree that mw2 was more fun, unbalanced yes but still more fun than black ops. Anyway brink for me is terrible, i stay the hell away from it and id rather go back and play cod. Brink has no sense of achievement in its gameplay and the level and upgrade system is very poor to bother keep playing it.Fair enough, but to me it destroys the COD series, Halo series and anything else not named Bad Company2 or TF2 of the last 5 years.
Better gameplay, better level design, it actually requires teamwork, higher fun factor and better controls imo then any of the last COD games.
I dont expect big COD fans to like this game, its not RAMBO/SOLO style action, its all team oriented like Enemy Territories.
In fact the only complaint ive heard online was from a COD player who said "Where is my deathmatch? Game sucks if it doesnt have deathamtch like COD. And why am I getting more points for objectives then getting kills".
Its a team work/objective game, not meant for people who want to run around like superman and try to get 1000 kills.
The problem is that it "REQUIRES teamwork" too much . Its way too forced. Dont even get me started on the way they balanced the game. Recoil and weapon sounds are pretty good as well as graphics. But the weird ammo capacities and how crap the meele is. Animation and usage, hell i was out of ammo and i was meeling the crap out of a guy 5 times, whats the point? He unloaded his gun on me when he was down and i died. Balanced is the only thing it is, fun, i dont know. It has its moments when everyone is in perfect sync and buffing the crap out of each other do defend a freaking a objective for 10 minutes, but then, it gets too repettive to shoot other players that constantly spawn nearby for 10 minutes hoping someone will buff your supplies. Like i said, it lacks the achievement factor cod has and the upgrade system is pretty poor. They should lock some othe weapons to unlock on higher levels, also the attachments are realy improving accuracy but you get them through challenges. Who the hell came up with that and how its balanced? Finally the levels are not necessarly better. They are confusing and the objective wheel does not show you were you need to go to reach that objective, only points you towards its locations, now if you gotta go up/down or change your heading tompletly to get there,thats another story. Oh and you lost me in "better control" No fps has better control than cod, surelly not brink. Everytime i capture something and someone attacked, it took a while to get in iron sights and shoot them down. I clicked the right mouse button but it didnt want to go in iron sights.
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