What is the best way to make sure I don't damage any of my hardware with static electricity? I've heard not to build on carpet, and to touch the psu before you touch any parts, but is there anything else like gloves or something? I just spent $1400 so I don't want to mess anyhting up. BTW feel free to comment or rate my setup(in my sig).
u dont really have to worry about static electricity that much, just make sure to build on a table (not floor). also make sure to wash your hands thoroughly so u get all the oils off and stuff. good luck
When I built my computer (a week ago BTW), all I did what touch anything that was metal in the case before touching any new part. And just use common sense. Dont touch the bottom of the CPU or any place on any other part that can damage it. Just dont drop any small sckrew drivers like I and/or my cousin did once or twice (still works). I thought for sure that it would not work the first time I booted it up, but to my surprise, it worked...works perfectly.
i'm sure you could of looked around more. or what was the most expensive part
I got it all off newegg. I think it was my graphics card. It cost $359. My mobo was like $180. Is it a good setup though? Will it last me a couple of years?
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