@lach You never said you were just simply happy with the performance you have for the time being. That is perfectly understandable. What you were describing is what we call the "waiting game" which is what people do sometimes because computer components come out regularly that are faster and faster, typically you see that with graphics cards.
"I was gonna buy this gen, but the refresh is coming in 6 months, I'll just wait until then"
six months later
"Oh the new series is coming out with all new features, only 6 months away, I guess I'll wait"
six months later
"Oh the gpus with the more mature process are coming out in just a few short months, I guess I can squeek by until then"
I am about to upgrade to a pII 955 or 965, and I probably won't get a BD until diablo 3 comes out (so I can give my pII to my wife)
I could of elaborated on that part a little more I guess :?
I understand that, sorry I blew up been a little stressful as of late, no reason for me to take it out on here on you guys.
No I am not really playing the waiting game, half of the reason for the wait is the parts I mentioned, as well as I want this current rig to last me a bit longer, (2 and a half years so far) I aim to get about a year and a half to 2 more years out of it... By then there will be more powerful stuff out (and even in the slight chance there isn't, the price on this stuff thats about come out, would have dropped), That is what I was saying, and hopefully by then the SSD price drop, and whatnot..
I am not waiting simply to wait for something because it will be more powerful, I am happy with my current rig, but do see the limitations of it, with all that I want to do (and the more I get into the music, I see the more power I will need for it, especially with the software coming out as of late, as well as the software that is right around the corner).. But it will hold me over to take care of other financial burdens, so I can save up for it, Wait for newer technology, and hopefully massive price drops on the SSD.
@BrownWhale I apologize to you too, I didn't bother to read or respond to what you wrote (easier to calm down and apologize that way).. Its just been a rotten few days.. Mixed with anger problems... My GF tells me that I need to work on my people skills, lol obviously.
Who knows when Its all said and done, I might end up with a bulldozer 8 core, or something.. Don't know, kinda too far off to tell, I am sure Intel will come out with something between now and then... Hell AMD might come out with something after the Bulldozer (between now and then).
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