you really think AMD would release bulldozer, 6 months AFTER sandy bridge and not have better performance overall? I sincerely doubt it, especially since bulldozer is not based on their older architecture but a completely new one. They probably reverse engineered intels cpu, copied the best bits and made their own cpu better. :D
Google reverse hyper-threading. AMD Bulldozer module can work as dual CPU core mode or 1 uber CPU core mode.Wait just let me clarify to see if I am understanding you correctly.
With the Bulldozer... If a game only supports say 2 cores, and you make it as a dual core, will it give it more power per the cores being used? and if the game only uses one core, you can go uber 1 core mode, to where its like the fastest single core ever!?!?!?! (where the 1 uber core, is faster {per core} than in dual core mode, and even more so than in 4 or 8 core mode)?
Each pair of cores share a certain amount of the resources on the die. so when something isn't as multithreaded, each core gets to hog all the resources that it used to share.
Intels hyperthreading added a small amount of die space to do more threads gaining about a 20% improvement in apps that are multithreaded, AMDs version, was to take the cores have some share resources, gaining nearly 2x the performance in apps that are multithreaded each module (2 cores) is about 10 % larger than 1 core of the old design.
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