So, ionusx, plz forgive me, i aint much of a television hardware expert, which is why of course I made this thread. lol. U said tv's have "preset resolutions." Does that mean that I can play the game on my computer at 800x600, while seeing on the tv screen 720p or 1080i because the tv is set to that resolution? I know I sound kinda stuck on uprezzing, but if its possible, it sounds waaaay better than spending on new hardware to play in hd. To do that, I need both a new card and a newpower supply. I also don't know if my case could fit a biggercard thanwhat's currently in there. And yes, while a 4850 512mb may max Crysis, my desktop has only been with me a short while. (In October it will be a full year. ) I don't wanna upgrade yet, if possible, in other words.
If it helps, here's my specs: HP Pavilion Elite e9260f. Intel Core i5-750 @ 2.66 GHz, Geforce GT230 1.5gb ddr2 with "DVI and HDMI capabilities" & DX10, I updated to DX11, updated drivers (I dont remember the name), 8gigs ddr3 system memory, 1 terabyte hard drive, SuperMulti DVD burner w/ Lightscribe technology, Wireless LAN 802.11.a/b/g/n, Win7 Home Premium 64-bit. My monitor's an old Dell LCD w/ a short neck thats prolly around 17 inches.
Yea, I know my vid card isn't the best, but for *most* of my games (all but crysis) I can max out all my settings at 1440x900 w/out any note-worthy framerate issues.1440x900 is my monitor's native rez. I just wanna b able to do Crysis on the beautiful settings its meant to b played at, and a nice rez on a big tv. =)
Doesn't the Xbox 360 uprez its games? I heard it doesn't play in *real* HD, it just kinda "stretches" the resolution, a.k.a uprezzing, to make the picture look very similar to HD, while maintaining decent performance.
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