my school is having a LAN party in 3 weeks and i participated in it last time it was but my computer is slow in running TF2 is there anyone that has an extra guest pass i enjoy the game but not going to buy it just wanna play with some of my mates at school
You better off just buying the orange box, getting all the games for cheap, and not have to worry about guest passes in the future. If you want to play with friends at school, why not play more than just at scattered parties. The OB is worth every penny.
Well either way it's worth it. If you're really bad about spending 30 some dollars on it, try asking some of the people if they'll loan you money for the game.
its not about the money i dont play team fortress but i just want to join in the Lan party i have counterstrike at home and am not really a big fan of half life 2 tahts why i wanted to know if there is a guestpass available
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