Depends on what you want, if you want a circular hole (take it thats what you want) The best way is to use a circular drill bit (looks like a glass, has a hollow center and they come in sizes 92mm etc if you find the right one i use one slightly smaller so the fan just fits so there is a 100mm circular hole) and then you drill 4 wholes 120mm apart from each other in perferct measurments (i usually use a template) and then drill small holes (using the screws as guidlines to how big you want it) and then simply put the grill on the outside fan on the insde and put the screws through) < awesome set of templates > And btw i dont usually install fans in this manner i prefer square cut wholes due to better airflow and it looks alo neater (not on the side though)
That site has a few good guides that got me going, mind you when i modded my cosmos for side fans i did it completly different, used a mounting system for 4 fans and cross bracketed it onto the side so its perferctly secure (hard to explain)
Theres a good guide on Hole saws (making circular holes)
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