With my old x2 5600 2.8 GHz, I was only getting about 23-24 fps avg in Crysis high settings with shadows medium @ 1680x1050. There was also always major dips in big firefights where I'd drop to 10-15 fps - very unplayable. I couldn't play GTA4 worth a lick either.
Bought a Phenom II x2 550 for $80 cheap, unlocked to four cores, and now I get 30 fps in Crysis ALL HIGH (shadows high) @ 1680x1050. Hardly any dips, the fps is very stable and consistent. Now, instead of getting 20 fps in GTA4, I get 40-50.
You'd find that the performance increase doesn't stop in gaming either. Boot up is now ~25 seconds as opposed to 1.5mins, extracting Winrar files is now 2x faster - it just is worth it, period.
Newer games are starting to use 4 cores, some current games do already, simple example is GTA IV.
While I am happy that I can now play GTA 4 easily now, I am against the very idea that GTA 4 is an example of newer games utilizing 4 cores. That's just blasphemy. I've said it once (more like a thousand), and I'll say it again - GTA 4 is an unoptimized POS...
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