Oh c'mon big fella - I've read on OT that you can't get offended by names :P Most of the people who are sitting in their basements saying "We're gonna that IW courtesy of SUPER FRIENDS and the calculus" probably are nerds. Maybe not anyone on this site but computer wizards and super geeks - they do exist!! Where is he quoted in using that term though? It still says you can have clans you just can't customise as much. Some are making it out to sound as though clans are gone forever. We'll see if time will prove you right. You're attacking this more as a hardcore player than a casual person who might not know what a dedicated server is remember. You can be upset and not buy the game - but going around swearing and posting inappropriate things is a no-go. Thats not how you negotiate biggest_loser
i hope youre not refering to me because I did not swear once and post innappropriate things.
Also, here are some quotes from the article, pointing out the general tone and false assumptions:
"Predictably, nerds across world took to the Internet with a wailing and a gnashing of teeth..."
I dont mind being called a nerd to my face, but when you insult my people, my community, like that its definately insulting.
"...this may shock some gamers with advanced persecution complexes -- this move was not made to tweak the noses of the PC community. Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella explain the decision..."
Setting the tone for the article essentially
"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners," says West. He points toward the mounting feedback IW has received from PC fans of Modern Warfare who couldn't find a decent server to play on between all of the cheaters, the insular communities, and huge skill level disparities that the original game's community fractured into. "We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game," he laughs.
Not once, in all the years CoD 4 has been published, and sicne all the other CoD games since that time, have I heard of one PC gamer complaining about the way things are concerning the online experience. And yet this guy somehow pulls out these so-called concerns like theyre well known. Like I said, if it aint broke, dont fix it
West takes a shot at the motives behind some of the outrage, noting that there's money to made by selling dedicated servers and adspace on them: "It's a little dubious. Some of the people complaining are complaining with their pocketbook."
Yes, when I log on, servers ask for money. ITS CALLED DONATIONS! They rely on the good will of people to provide them with funds so they can pay a server to host games. Its called community, and its a beautiful thing. If someone makes a little money on the side by hosting a successful, popular server then by all means good for them. Though somehow I dont think they do, as I have never paid a cent myself, nor have I ever needed to
Again and again during our conversation, West and Zampella hammer the point that hardcore PC players lose very little to this change relative to the returns that casual to moderate fans will see.
Oh thats a great justification. IW too lazy to make it work for everyone, so instead theyre going to ruin it for "the hardcore" players (which is likely a larger percentage than he cares to admit...over 100k by this count according to the petition) so they can get the casuals in on it. Guess what? Casuals play xbox! If they game on the PC, they know how it works by now, so leave it alone. There is nothing "hardcore" about browsing servers, testing them out, and finding a few you like.
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