The badasses of WWII have finally come to CoH. If you haven't already, check out the website: http://easternfront.org/
This will be a must to anyone playing CoH. The vanilla factions haven't been changed - the mod (expansion rather ;P) simply adds the Soviet Union as a playable faction in a flurry of badassery. New models, new skins, new sounds + much more
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5JflRjZNik&feature=PlayList&p=D7388AFF52B37B62&index=0
PS: It's free
if it took them 3 years to make the stuff im seeing in those youtube videos.... seriously WHAT!? it is just a bunch of reskins... nothing new at all. looks like total garbage. Hey buddy, do you realise how difficult it must have been to get the weapon sounds? Or the voice acting? It's more than a reskin. as difficult as it is for any folly artist to make game sounds? for crying out loud there are tons of movies they could have capped the sounds from....and the voice acting? how hard is it? find someone that can read a script, and have them talk into the microphone.
the gun sounds and the voice acting were probably the LEAST labor intensive part of this mod. the mod is still, however, a reskin and does not add any new units, functionality, or reason to exist. yes i downloaded the mod....
yes i removed the mod an hour later after seeing exactly what i thought, just a reskin of old units... nothing more.
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