I thin this is stupid to ask,but i have foun MAPS for CoH and do how is writen to install maps.IT says to makes some folders and add maps in to them.When i do that i run the game and run map but loadin comse at and olmost and quit.What shuld i do my CoH version is 1.0?
Second, the "Maps" directory of CoH is in C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes\Data\Scenarios\MP if that folder doesn't exist (MP) you need to create it and put maps in there.
Don't worry about the patches, there aren't more than 8 or so, the in game update, and it takes quite a while since they have 1.8 gb so my advice is to get it from a website on which you get your max dl speed because the 1.8 gb patch isn't quite small, it's called "Company of Heroes v1.40 to v2.101 Patch", you don't need to get around 8 when you can geta single huge patch :).
can you pls tell me how to run Company of Heroes in Dev mod/mode and how can i use new skin for my game...i have downloaded many skins but i cant use it because its says you must run the game in thatF*C*I*G Dev modS*I* it make's me Mad all the time waiting for 5 hours and it will be a waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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