[QUOTE="PullTheTricker"] [QUOTE="deadfirezero"]
[QUOTE="PullTheTricker"]22'' at 1680x1050 wouldreduce theimage qualitydue to theinreased size. So I'd say 20'' is about right.SSJBen
If you have two monitors made by the same manufacturer and from the same series, the 22" that is natively 1680x1050 isn't going to look worse than the 20" that is natively 1680x1050. I've traded up from a 17" LCD to a 19" LCD before (both 1280x1024, same brand, same series) - there was no reduction in image quality.
In some cases though, the smaller monitor might have a faster response time.I prefer 20'' over 22'' for the fact that I don't want to move with my head but with my eyes. Bigger screen might affect my perfomance in FPS games... at least I imagine so.
Not quite. It is actually higher resolution which will affect performance. Not screen size. Most 20" and 22" monitors are capped in at 1680x1050. So you naturally don't get any difference in performance at all. Just that in a 22", the pixel dots are bigger, thus words are easier to read, images looks crisper and so on.
I don't however, recommend you go for the Samsung 206BW. At 250 euros, you can go for a BenQ FP92VW which unffortunately I couldn't find at that site you are buying from(I assume). Its a 19" widescreen, and boast only 1440x900 native resolution. However, a 20" monitor's pixel pitch isn't big enough to show the glory of 1680x1050. In which case you wouldn't see much of a difference in between 1440x900 at all, besides you get a pretty big performance boost playing on the latter res as well.
My current 19'' has 1600x1200... I can definetly see a difference between 1280x1024 and thatresolution. So I think 20'' is pretty good for me. And higher inch will make the response time slower.
Btw I meant my perfomance as in how I play competetively. I can see in 1 eye sight when someone is on the screen. On a 24'' that would be a bit slower since I have check right and left all the time :P
And yes unfortunetely the BenQ isn't supported by Alternate :|
And I assume I can put my monitors res to 1440x900 any time I want. Untill now I havent found a better bang for buck then the Samsung. Andmy favourite iiyama doesn't seem so ''favourite'' anymore.
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