I personally would say Crytek let us down the minute they decided to go multiplatform, that was the day they stopped being a PC developer. I personally don't know what studio is making what but the noises Crytek are making are certainly NOT promising. You just need to see the hype they have generated about Crysis 2 on the consoles they have said sod all about Crysis 2 on the PC.
This latest example with the Playstation mag illustrates exactly what is happening, there is already a console bias from Crytek. Yes it is true that PC gamer were the first to show us 2 screenshots from Crysis 2 (that showed next to nothing) and had a short article that said absolutely nothing except the ambigious "verticality" crap. Nope not a peep about the new setting for Crysis 2 in a PC gaming mag. How do PC gamers have to find out about the setting for Crysis 2 ? Oh yeah we have to read it in a bloody console gaming magazine.
I don't doubt for a second that Crytek are not developing all three versions, I imagine they will quite happily off load the PC version to one of their lesser studios to do the port. All the noises that Crytek are making come across as "consoles are our new home screw the PC". It doesn't bode well for the PC version of Crysis 2 and to be honest I find a hard time getting hyped about this port, especially when I have to find information on the game from some console mag.
- They reveal these details in PSM because they want to take over Resistance's market; the third game is rumored to come out at the end of the year or early 2011 and it's set in NYC
- There is nothing wrong with hyping the game more on the console market. They alreay have an established fanbase on the PC, now they must throw some bones over to the consolites.
- CryEngine 3 ports the PC assets to the console in real-time making all the adjustments needed. The game is developed exculsively on PC. The Frankfurt studio, the one that made the original Crysis, is developing all three versions. Crytek UK, which has a lot of console experience, may lend a hand in tweaking the console version to be perfectly playable. It all boils down to the control method and the tweaks needed to make it fun on all platforms.
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