One of the greatest fps' of all time. Overrated? No. Gaylo is. MW2 is a good fun game that provides it well and is easy to get into. I can understand why it sells well, it is a fun game no doubt, but no one can step to crysis in terms of gameplay and overall quality from the graphics to the gameplay.
I was so amazing by the demo during the ship segment when it ended. THe gameplay in this game is phenomenal and unique. And the part where youre exposed to the gravity alien world, then when you exit to find the whole world frozen. Cant wait for cryisis 2.
Haters fall back, anyone who says that this game is "Crap" is definately out of line. We all have our opinions but it definately isnt CRAP.
This game is definately up there with HL2, except HL will always be the greatest.
Just thought id express my happiness for having this piece of art in my collection. CRYSIS FTW!!! Gonna install again
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