Well I did buy it.
I haven't played either of the two Crysis games, but I'm a bit surprised at the graphics. On my core i7 920, with its powerful GTX 275, Crysis is barely running in DX 10 at a 1680*1050. I'm averaging in the mid 20's to low 30's.
Granted, that's at the enthusiast settings. But you know what, in DX 9, at just High settings, Crysis is almost ordinary. This game is actually starting to look a little dated. I had heard reviewers say of Far Cry 2 that it wasn't as good looking as Crysis - no way, Far Cry 2 is much more modern looking. The only difference is that it doesn't have the ocean, or the god-rays. Indeed, the only thing that's impressed me about Crysis has been the ocean and the god rays. The rest of it looks like a game... well, from two years ago really.
Gameplay: Meh. It's standard fare.
I'm hoping that Warhead will be better.
Imagine what happened when that normal game came out 2 years ago :) And FC2 is multiplatform. It does not look better and never aimed to.
Nice avatar. I'm not even going to bother engaging you in debate. I think I have an idea how pointless that would be.
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