Personally I haven't noticed much difference in hit reg. I never had a problem with it before, and I don't have a problem with it now. As long as you stay on servers with less than 50MS ping you should be fine.
As for the killcam, it's just dumb. Not only does it look super lame in this game (crappy models, anims and effects), but it doesn't tell me what i want to know either (hits, damage etc.). In TF2, the killcam could actually be fun at times, with the animated faces and spectacular gib effects. When I die in CSS, the first thing I do is always to open the console and check how I did that round.
My least favorite part about the update is probably the UI. The scoreboard looks like it came from a bad sourcemod. The icons are extremely crappy (looks like they were thrown together in MS paint in less than 15 minutes), and the UI doesn't fit the rest of the game at all. They messed up the design completely, user icons look horribly misplaced on the scoreboard, and the color theming just doesn't work. Instead of sticking to the faded yellow the rest of the UI has, they went with a bright red for the killcam text. The end of round stats window looks horrible as well. Half of it looks like it came from TF2, and the rest looks like a desperate attempt to modernize the CSS UI. Same story goes with the scoreboard. Half of it could have come out of TF2, and the rest looks like an attempt at a modern CSS UI.
I've actually seen quite a good performance jump though. Since the update I've never seen my FPS go under 140 (average is around 200). It's not without flaws though. When people die (almost always when the round ends) my game freezes up for a split second, and this tends to happen randomly while playing aswell (although not that often).
My biggest issue with the update are all the people whining about the tickrate though. There's a reason for why it's locked to 66, and people need to understand that. 100 tick servers always had problems with various little things like doors opening speed and whatnot, and since the OB engine is built around 66 tick, the issues are many more now.
Final verdict on my part is that the update was released too early. It's still chock full of bugs, and i feel that a lot more of them should have been worked out before the update went public. There's no point in going back now though, they might as well finish the job as it is.
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