@felipeinside, I like how you say things like:
"but what I am saying is that you can get through all the quests by just using the two mouse keys."
Thing is,you can't complete all the content that way, you haven't played past lvl 14 and game does get harder. You are required to use your skills/powers during boss fights and alerts, also teamwork is a must if you expect to survive the harder alerts.
"but as it is now, most people (whether u like it or not) will be bored of these quests after a few hours...."
A good number of players have been helping others with quests and alerts they are having a hard time on. I know myself and people in my league have been doing that. So yeah.... people seem to be enjoying the quests and combat more than you think.
"DC hasn't changed ANYTHING at all.... go here, kill 10 monsters, collect 10 items, collect reward"
Sure maybe it hasn't changed anything, but people don't really care because it makes sense. You're not killing baddies or collecting things for no reason, there's a purpose to those things and it makes sense in the story telling.
"made LOTS of people cancel pre-order"
I know you did, and others did as well, but a lot of people decided bought it after playing the beta and the majority of the community right now is enjoying the game. Even looking at most forums you hardly see any complaints. The only major concern that most of the community has is how well the developers will do with adding content.
and then you say
"Just because you like a game doesn't mean everybody has to...."
I could say the same thing to you, a lot of the points you were trying to make are no longer valid now that the game is released. In the beta I would have agreed with you on some points but things have changed. I mean, sure you said that the game could get better, but at this point in time the game is garbage. Okay, but you're not playing the game and you keep spouting stuff about the community that you have no clue about.
The majority of people I come across who dislike this game are veteran mmo players that want the game to be like some other mmo(not specifically WoW). Instead of just enjoying DCU for what it is. The best way I can put it, is that DCU was made to be accessible. The user interface, controller compatibility, and the fact that its on PS3 is some proof of that. Some people may have been expecting more, but from what I've gathered it was always intended to be accessible to both PS3 and PC gamers. More proof of that is you don't need a lot of time to feel like you've acomplished something. And thats great, if I have an hour to kill I can go play some pvp matches, an alerts, etc and be satisfied with that.
The game's not perfect, but its no where near as bad as the people on this board are making it out to be, which I'm pretty sure was the point Advid was trying to make.
So the game has changed drastically from beta (a few weeks back) to launch? That's good to hear... Like I said a thousand times on this thread already, I was number one fan of dcuo I ain't bashing it, I just really feel the devs cut corners releasing it... How are the bugs in final?
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