It's a lot to read but he makes great points...
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Some of it I can agree alot with it. Some of it is BS.Lev_Arris
[QUOTE="Lev_Arris"]Some of it I can agree alot with it. Some of it is BS.Ein-7919
In part 2 of his article he talks about how console gaming is rising and PC gaming is declining. While that is true it isn't a bad thing. gamelord2004Think about it for a second. Just think about. Think of reasons of why PC Gaming gives a lot more freedom than crappy drone console gaming. PC gaming gives developers the only last opportunity to develop their own stuff, without pressure, develop their OWN ORIGINAL IDEAS, not just FPS/RPG/RTS/Sports. How? Mods. There are thousands of Mods for Half Life 2 and some of them have been the best gaming experiences of my life. The stuff people can come up with using just their mind, the new ideas and the new gameplay types created through JUST the modes of this single game have opened my eyes to the advantages of PC Gaming. Or a game like Warcraft III for example, it's amazing how the custom game feature in wc3 (blizzard gave the engine free to use to everyone to develop custom games) spawned its own amazing gameplay types which now rival the gameplay of wc3 itself. Games Like DOTA, something truly unique which hasn't been done before spawns when engines are given freely to people. In Console gaming what the f*ck do you have? A $50 game to play for 4 f*cking weeks before you throw it on the shelf. That's crap. In PC gaming you're given the tools and you can edit, code, re-write and create your own games from it. The MOD community is huge in HL2, huge in wc3, huge in great pc games. This gives people freedom, the freedom which the true industry now lacks. Just give it a try, if you think that gaming is just FPS, RTS, RPG. Give it a try. This is why consoles blow.
[QUOTE="Maestro_AKQ"]. The Bible says the world was round before any scientist EVER discovered it. Andriy-
That is quite an amazing article, despite a few of the opinions I disagree with. Also, I hope the numbers he used in his argument are valid because that is quite astonishing. I always knew that the video game market was unique in every aspect [compared to the music/film market], but I didnt know it was that different.
Also, what he said about there being no room for a niche product is very true. You go to Bestbuy now and its basically all big-time hit games like BF2142, CoD 2, etc. They might get a niche game but you'll be lucky if its there in a week.
I agree with Warren as well, saying something about "killing the publishers" or something like that. It would be nice if a publisher cared about gameplay and making "enough cash" as opposed to a developer not caring about gameplay and making "tons of cash," if that makes any sense.
Its a long article, but worth the read in my opinion. Any serious gamer would do well to read it. Thanks for bring this to our attention.
[QUOTE="Andriy-"][QUOTE="Maestro_AKQ"]. The Bible says the world was round before any scientist EVER discovered it. Maestro_AKQ
Take it easy, man. I am not an atheist, and I am not anti-God...but dont force your beliefs on us and tell us theyre fact. Plus, when religious people get into arguments with the "unreligious" people and make arguments like you did, it makes you look insecure about your faith. So, it is better for both parties involved to just keep your religious (and political) beliefs to yourself.
Plus, this is a gaming forum...dont bring this crap into the discussion.
[QUOTE="Ein-7919"][QUOTE="Lev_Arris"]Some of it I can agree alot with it. Some of it is BS.Legend_O_Dragon
John Carmack is also making Wolfenstein 2 for the Xbox360! XBOX360!!!???!!! I think its safe to say that Carmack has altogether abandoned the PC as well. Good riddance, I say...let someone who deserves the respect that guy gets take his place and give us a fresh game.
Interesting thought about Steam, however. As for anyone "promoting Valve" by using Steam to publish their games, I dont think that is too terrible. I mean, Valve only has like 2.3 "full" games to their credit. Plus, thats like saying DICE us promoting EA by being published through them.
[QUOTE="Andriy-"][QUOTE="Maestro_AKQ"]. The Bible says the world was round before any scientist EVER discovered it. Maestro_AKQ
That was a good're mixing up poetic description with fact. Though if you're gonna look at Scientific Fact as "Scientific Fact" well then it's clear where your mind rests on the matter. Science like religion has its hits and misses but unlike religion it does not use faith as yeah you can interpret those biblical passages in a literal way in relation to the context of the discussion but it'd honestly be no different than someone looking at Science Fiction films prior to sending man to the moon and other space exploration as heralds of absolute truth....
Also people knew the earth was round long before the's a historical innacuracy that many thought the earth was flat...same goes for many other bits mentioned above that curiously leave out non-western civilizations. A GOOD college level or even a good High School level history class teachers you that. The bible is a "good book" in many ways but not in the way you're trying to put it in...then that just relegates it to the level of a Nostradamus like tome.
The movie and gaming industry both suffer from many illnesses. One of them is repetiveness. Thats where innvation comes in. Another is ideas. Ideas are sometimes like a loaded gun. For me personally I get offended sometimes by games and movies. The most recent instance is Medieval2 Total War. Although im to blame myself becausede I asked for the game. To make a long story short its almost like they try to paint a picture that they want people to believe and not what reality is. They take alot of cheap shots at christianity. Now I know there are alot of fakes out there. My point is, they put alot of effort and spin in it to make it say what they want to. If you get down to the core of it, each man is responsible for his on heart and actions. Blaiming religion is a copout for people who dont believe. They go out of their way to make people new ideas look like heretics to christians. In fact the opposite is true. The Bible says the world was round before any scientist EVER discovered it. That among a ton of other things. Oblivion did it too. The only good faction is Knights of the Nine. They are historically suppose to represent the Knights Templar. Sorry but the Knights Templar were not christians no matter what they call themselves and they were not good guys. Oblivion has so many underlying themes its like brainwashing. YUCK. Now for the next part. I agree with some of what he is saying but I think some of it rather suits a hidden agenda. First of all do these guys understand how many PC gamers would be cut off if they could only buy games through online services? To put it in my perspective I have been gaming since 1987. Not one time in my life have I ever paid for a game with anything but cash. I dont have good credit. Even when I busted my arse I didnt gte any credit cards even though there were no blemishes on my credit. Plus credit cards have fees on them to use your own money. They add up overtime and it equates to borrowing and throwing away money. You're also subject to someone else and you can get yourself into dire debt like millions of Americans are. I would be cut off from PC gaming if I had to download games. So would half of the industry around the world. When I get older I dont ant my kids coming to me wanting to use a credit card everytime they want a game either. Maybe if you could purchase cards from EB for a gaming site and scartch off a decoded number I could go for it. And twenty dollars here and there for some 2D game isnt going to save any money either. to be continued. . .Maestro_AKQ
Sorry for giving you a hard time but I fail to see how putting a spin on Christianity is relevent to this topic and to the article. Furthermore, saying the Knights Templar were not Christian just doesnt make sense. Next you will be telling us that the Crusades and the slaying of people supporting new ideas (read "other religions and beliefs") were not born of Christians either. The Knights Templar were Christians, and they were formed to escort Christian pilgrims on their travels to the holy land. And the pope, fearing in-fighting among the Christian European provinces, decided that war against others is preferable to fighting against your Christian brethren and thus started the Crusades. "Hey, Europe...dont fight against eachother! Why dont you send your soldiers to the land of Christ and kill/convert any non-Christians along the way" is essentially what the pope said. As for Oblivion brainwashing us, well...I dont even have a reply to that. That argument is so poorly construed I dont know how you came about it.
And while I dont doubt your knowledge of the Bible, I find it curious how the Bible says the earth is round yet every Bible-thumping, church-going citizen of the time was so thoroughly convinced that the earth was flat. If the Bible said that the earth was round, why were Christians so afraid of falling off the end of it?
Concerning the purchasing of games online, I was wondering if you have ever used a debit card. You can go down to your bank and get one, and you dont need credit to use one since its based on real money that you physically have. Its what I use, since I dont even bother using a credit card except in emergencies.
This is the last time im going to comment on it since its late and the place isnt moving fast anyway. I didnt "mix" up anything. I simply said the Bible said the Earth was round among many other things. I backed that up and I can go find it in any "translation" you would like to have it in. The stars are innumerable(when was the first telescope invented?). The Earth is supsended in space(long before anyone had remotely proven it with science). Dinosaurs were made first among the ranks of god(Behemoth/Leviathin)t. Uncooked meat is contaminated and causes ilnesses(long before any scientists knew of unseen germs). Hooved animals that chew their cud were unclean because the enzymes they produce could cause problems for humans(something to that affect, a scientific reason is obvious behind it and a symbolical one on that part). The rib grows back(obvious why he took Adams rib, and this was a long time before anyone knew in anatomy that the rib was the only bone to grow back). Really, someone could go on and on with facts. But faith is the only way. Just wait until evoltion is debunked like its being now. Wait till they find out there was a global flood(possibly the firfament that was around the earth that soaked up the suns radiation and fell to earth). They're already working on geological models. Good luck proving it wrong. Many have tried and I say more power to them. Because thats how alot of people learned about it.Maestro_AKQ
While your blind fanaticism is inspiring, I cant help but think of more logical explanations to what the Bible says.
1. The Earth is Round: "Hmmm, that boat suddenly disappeared over the horizon before it should have normally gone out of sight...I guess that means it was sailing on a curve. That means the earth is round. However, I dont think people will accept this fact so I guess I better write that God made said the earth was round instead of me saying the earth was round through my powers of observation."
2. The Bible Knew About Dinosaurs: "Wow, that alligator sure would make a fierce monster for this epic book I am writing. Well, I suppose if I wrote that it was bigger then it might be scarier as well. Plus, those giant bones I dug up yesterday problably belonged to another monster like the alligator. And since there arent any more monsters around, I can just say that they were here before people were."
3. The Bible knew about Bad Meat: "Hmmmm, every time I eat this raw meat I have the worst case of diarhea ever! I wonder what happens when I throw it over the fire...."
4. The Bible knew about Ribs Growing Back: "Hmmm, thats funny. My friend got a compound fracture of the rib and, thank God! he lived through the injury and now his rib has grown back. Gee, I guess ribs grow back when broken and removed."
5. The Bible says that the Stars are Innumerable: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5....awwww, crap! There are way too many stars to count, lets just say theyre innumerable."
"But faith is the only way"...I thought you said you werent trying to push your beliefs on us.
In the words of Stan from South Park: "Maybe religion is the answer to 'why?' and not the answer to 'how?'" I dont know why God makes our bodies so that ribs grow back, but thanks to science I know how they grow back...and I am thankful to God that they do grow back. I know how gravity works, but I dont know why it exists.
This is the last time im going to comment on it since its late and the place isnt moving fast anyway. I didnt "mix" up anything. I simply said the Bible said the Earth was round among many other things. I backed that up and I can go find it in any "translation" you would like to have it in. The stars are innumerable(when was the first telescope invented?). The Earth is supsended in space(long before anyone had remotely proven it with science). Dinosaurs were made first among the ranks of god(Behemoth/Leviathin)Maestro_AKQ
The Bible says a lot of things...but it's not the oldest known text and as I stated above it ignores the many other civilizations that pre-date it...all the major ones be them in the mid-east, asia, the americas had astrological study as part of their societies...and knew many truths about the physical world. "The bible said it..." is not proof of discovery. Theory about the physical world has always existed be them in tales we now call mythology or early scientific study...Science is not an invention it's the reality of our world as is linked to human curiosity, discovery, and the desire to understand the physical world. That goes back to the most ancient of men...
Also the bible was written by men...not God...and those men where part of a physical world and society that knew many things we don't or no longer have detailed proof about. Much of our ancient knowledge was destroyed be it in events like the Library of Alexandria burning or the simple realities of the old to even suggest all of mankinds knowledge and discovery was foretold or set as truth in a book of stories is far too close minded. It does the book zero justice to state that. The only thing you "backed up" was saying the bible said such and such...all while ignoring that the idea was already around before it was written down....and not only in the biblical world.
As far as your Dinosaurs comment THAT is reaching...
The bible doesnt only say that the Earth was round(the direct translation is spherical or "circle" of earth). It also says there was a firmament around it that seperated it from the heavens. He also says he seperated the lands and made expanses between them long before anyone knew about tectonics. He also says he made the leviathin and behemoth as one of the first ranks of god. The fossil record tells us about dinosaurs. He also said in the flood the waters fell from the heaven and rose up from the Earth. Scientists tried to disprove it by saying there wouldnt have been enough water vapor in the atmosphere to flood the Earth. But they forgot about the water that rose up from the Earth too. Alot of it makes perfect sense to me. I have terrible grammar and im not very articulate at writing. Its probably painful to read my late night posts. But there are a ton of things in the bible that werent discovered until well after they were written.
People knew the seperation of land pretty well...and though the study of plate tectonics is quite modern the basic concept of physical seperations of land are all around. Saying what the bible stated is what would later be known ans plate tectonics is again...reaching. I can understand where you're coming from and why all this makes sense but you gotta keep in mind not everyone buys into the idea of all knowing all seeing God or a book that is the be all end all of manking...much like that insane Bible Code stuff.
Your last sentence...H.G. Wells. His work had numerous things in them that science would later prove correct...why...because theory and mankinds ability to think, dream, and solve are quite's not something exclusive to the Bible and its authors.
In the words of Stan from South Park: "Maybe religion is the answer to 'why?' and not the answer to 'how?'" I dont know why God makes our bodies so that ribs grow back, but thanks to science I know how they grow back...and I am thankful to God that they do grow back. I know how gravity works, but I dont know why it exists.
Why? So the boobs on a pretty girl can bounce...duh.
[QUOTE="Maestro_AKQ"]This is the last time im going to comment on it since its late and the place isnt moving fast anyway. I didnt "mix" up anything. I simply said the Bible said the Earth was round among many other things. I backed that up and I can go find it in any "translation" you would like to have it in. The stars are innumerable(when was the first telescope invented?). The Earth is supsended in space(long before anyone had remotely proven it with science). Dinosaurs were made first among the ranks of god(Behemoth/Leviathin)t. Uncooked meat is contaminated and causes ilnesses(long before any scientists knew of unseen germs). Hooved animals that chew their cud were unclean because the enzymes they produce could cause problems for humans(something to that affect, a scientific reason is obvious behind it and a symbolical one on that part). The rib grows back(obvious why he took Adams rib, and this was a long time before anyone knew in anatomy that the rib was the only bone to grow back). Really, someone could go on and on with facts. But faith is the only way. Just wait until evoltion is debunked like its being now. Wait till they find out there was a global flood(possibly the firfament that was around the earth that soaked up the suns radiation and fell to earth). They're already working on geological models. Good luck proving it wrong. Many have tried and I say more power to them. Because thats how alot of people learned about it.mrbojangles25
While your blind fanaticism is inspiring, I cant help but think of more logical explanations to what the Bible says.
1. The Earth is Round: "Hmmm, that boat suddenly disappeared over the horizon before it should have normally gone out of sight...I guess that means it was sailing on a curve. That means the earth is round. However, I dont think people will accept this fact so I guess I better write that God made said the earth was round instead of me saying the earth was round through my powers of observation."
2. The Bible Knew About Dinosaurs: "Wow, that alligator sure would make a fierce monster for this epic book I am writing. Well, I suppose if I wrote that it was bigger then it might be scarier as well. Plus, those giant bones I dug up yesterday problably belonged to another monster like the alligator. And since there arent any more monsters around, I can just say that they were here before people were."
3. The Bible knew about Bad Meat: "Hmmmm, every time I eat this raw meat I have the worst case of diarhea ever! I wonder what happens when I throw it over the fire...."
4. The Bible knew about Ribs Growing Back: "Hmmm, thats funny. My friend got a compound fracture of the rib and, thank God! he lived through the injury and now his rib has grown back. Gee, I guess ribs grow back when broken and removed."
5. The Bible says that the Stars are Innumerable: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5....awwww, crap! There are way too many stars to count, lets just say theyre innumerable."
"But faith is the only way"...I thought you said you werent trying to push your beliefs on us.
In the words of Stan from South Park: "Maybe religion is the answer to 'why?' and not the answer to 'how?'" I dont know why God makes our bodies so that ribs grow back, but thanks to science I know how they grow back...and I am thankful to God that they do grow back. I know how gravity works, but I dont know why it exists.
Thats so true! Thanks bojangles that was really interesting :)Why the hell are we even talking about religion????mobomasterguru
We're's more about just because something is discussed and talked about before it becomes proven fact does not mean it's the source of all it the bible talking about the earth being round or HG Wells talking about space travel.
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