Never played Deus Ex so I guess fallout 3
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i love them both in their own way.
Deus-Ex is an awsome linair RPG game (with very crappy shooting mechanics) with a very good/immersive story
Fallout 3 is an awsome sandbox RPG (with mediocre shooting but VATS saves the day) with a mediocre story but awsome side quests.
To be honest, i got to give props to fallout 3 for having more "playable" shooting mechanics in the begining and not having to upgrade your weapons skills alot in order to play it as a fps like deusx ex. Thats somethign i got to give it props.i love them both in their own way.
Deus-Ex is an awsome linair RPG game (with very crappy shooting mechanics) with a very good/immersive story
Fallout 3 is an awsome sandbox RPG (with mediocre shooting but VATS saves the day) with a mediocre story but awsome side quests.
I am sorry but blowing up megaton is the biggest action in a videogame with the biggest impact on the gameworld, therefore i cannot see what are talking about. Besides deus ex does not even have a good/evil alligment and you cant attack anyone in your base and get on with it. In fallout 3 however you can attack everyone on megaton. Deus ex is a far more linear rpg very story focused and the only thing your decisions do is to change some npcs fate, but they are gonna die anyway later on, so whats the point?dakan45Hell no it isn't.
Megaton is practically on par with saving or harvesting little sisters in Bioshock, the statement "the biggest action in a videogame with the biggest impact on the gameworld," is laughable. Really now it is.
I have made 'bigger' decisions with more visible impact on the actual narrative in other games; MechWarrior 4 mercenaries, assassinating government leaders after helping establish a reform in order to dive the planet into civil war for, which (so wonderfully selfishly) equates to more money to be made. A glorious back-stab, no honor or morality.
In Fallout 3 you cannot attack, kill or main central characters, just like in Oblivion; in Deus Ex I obliterated Anna Navarre as soon as I had a chance, removing her as a long term threat, I saved Paul not removing him from the plot. Needless to say in terms of emergent gameplay and a narrative that reacts to it, Deus Ex is still well ahead *revisits the clinic in Hells Kitchen with LAMS*
Deus Ex's has a narrative that allows a great scope of manipulation and choice in role playing. What does Fallout 3 offer? Tagging after your Father (which Bethesda do not build a shred of empathy for (apparently tutorial stages are supposed to do that) following a series of convoluted horribly designed paths for a weak plot with one of the most underwhelming finales in any game to date.
What choices do you have, what impact was there? No shutup and find the Father you 'love' then get in the chamber already it's your destiny.
To be frank Fallout 3 would have been a better game if the central plot was removed and it was a game about you surviving in Captial Wastland, something along the lines of Mount & Blade; as far as role playing is concerned the central narrative and various other subplots do not gel in the least compelling way.
...nope it is the biggest thing and its definetly not laughabe, its no where near on par with harvesting little sisters, we are talking about an important part of the gameworld that you decide its existance and its not destroyed somewhere along the way like many games do. There you go, you killed Navarre when you had the chance, if you try doing it at any other point its like fallout 3, they cant die so you die. Or should i speak when you face gunther and you cant kill him and die and go to the MJ12 prison? Its how the story goes, its linear and story focused wihtout that much freedom. As for the ending? I will reply like this, compare all the deus ex endings and how the game continues in invisible war like nothing happened. I think i have said enough.dakan45It is far from the 'biggest thing' (if this is your scope of gaming then I implore you to look elsewhere - do look at Ice Pick Lodge's games in terms of choice in gameplay), and yes it is laughable, the decision making involved is a lovely shade of Bethesda black and white.
While I give credit to being able to wipe the location with npcs off the map; that is all there is to give credit for.
No there is far more freedom in plot; especially considering Fallout 3's horrible cast be it three dog, the brotherhood, your father and his cronies. You must play to their fiddle from start to finish; with useless Fawkes in tow; Deus Ex is a staple for a reason.
And we are talking about Deus Ex, not Iwar. Deus Ex's ending is great and a meaningful build up, Fallout 3's is an abomination; be it plot or game design.
Quite frankly the Fallout lore has been messed up enough with Fallout Tactics, Brotherhood of Steel and now Fallout 3 if you want to get started on sequel canon; be it the plot half ripped from Fallout 2, the ruining of the Vaults themselves (honestly what happened to the Overseer, he is now a man in an office?) or the absolute destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel; way to ruin one of the most interesting factions of Fallout.
Mini rant aside as I said, respective games endings, not sequels.
Deciding the fate of an entire city is certainly a meaningful decision whether you want to admit it or not. Most games your evil decisions regarding a city merely make NPC react poorly to you or not talk to you at all...FO3 goes way beyond this.Renevent42And harvesting or saving little sisters in Bioshock was *supposed* to be meaningful. Fallout 3's, much like Bioshock is borderline arbitrary. Blow up a town, save it.
[QUOTE="Renevent42"]Deciding the fate of an entire city is certainly a meaningful decision whether you want to admit it or not. Most games your evil decisions regarding a city merely make NPC react poorly to you or not talk to you at all...FO3 goes way beyond this.skrat_01And harvesting or saving little sisters in Bioshock was *supposed* to be meaningful. Fallout 3's, much like Bioshock is borderline arbitrary. Blow up a town, save it. Whatever you's obvious that it was a big decision with a very real consequence. Not to mention all the decisions you can do inside of Megaton even without that one. You keep mentioning Bioshock but it's not even close to the same thing...the impact and consequence is miles apart regardless if you pretend otherwise.
the megaton bit would've been neat in a shooter, but it's a joke if we're talking CRPG choice-consequence.
you can blow it up when you arrive...why? because for fun? who are you "in character" to blow up the whole freaking town...for what? you're just a sicko?
if you're a badazz, more than likely you would've liked to exploited the kindness of the town and get what you want or something.
it's just a gimmick that makes the game seem like a RPG...there's such huge discrepancy between the consequence and role-playing motives that it's just choice for choice sake, role-playing is irrelevant.
Did you even play Fallout 3? Renevent42Actually have you played through Fallout 1 and 2?
The megaton example is a moral black and white choice, as you put it the incentive is profit, saint or sinner, savior or Satan. Again, just like Bioshock, arbitrary choices not nearly as well fleshed out as they could or should be.
I played all of them, and I'll ask again, did you play Fallout 3?
Because there were various solutions to the problem that had different results.
Educate yourself:
I have played all the great RPG's...Fallout, Planescape, BGII, Icewind Dale, ect, ect. Fallout 3 has a pretty weak ending but the game is filled with rpg choice and consequence that is comparable to most of the choices/consequences you find in other RPG's.
Teardrops response is a perfect the was no justification but had you actually played Fallout 3 (or at least paid attention to the dialog) the motivations are laid out.
Is Fallout 3 the greatest RPG? In my opinion, no. But what you guys do and pretend all the choice and consequence presented throughout the game is nothing more than something like the little sisters in Bioshock is just down right intellectually dishonest. Seriously...
It is far from the 'biggest thing' (if this is your scope of gaming then I implore you to look elsewhere - do look at Ice Pick Lodge's games in terms of choice in gameplay), and yes it is laughable, the decision making involved is a lovely shade of Bethesda black and white.[QUOTE="dakan45"]...nope it is the biggest thing and its definetly not laughabe, its no where near on par with harvesting little sisters, we are talking about an important part of the gameworld that you decide its existance and its not destroyed somewhere along the way like many games do. There you go, you killed Navarre when you had the chance, if you try doing it at any other point its like fallout 3, they cant die so you die. Or should i speak when you face gunther and you cant kill him and die and go to the MJ12 prison? Its how the story goes, its linear and story focused wihtout that much freedom. As for the ending? I will reply like this, compare all the deus ex endings and how the game continues in invisible war like nothing happened. I think i have said enough.skrat_01
While I give credit to being able to wipe the location with npcs off the map; that is all there is to give credit for.
No there is far more freedom in plot; especially considering Fallout 3's horrible cast be it three dog, the brotherhood, your father and his cronies. You must play to their fiddle from start to finish; with useless Fawkes in tow; Deus Ex is a staple for a reason.
And we are talking about Deus Ex, not Iwar. Deus Ex's ending is great and a meaningful build up, Fallout 3's is an abomination; be it plot or game design.
Quite frankly the Fallout lore has been messed up enough with Fallout Tactics, Brotherhood of Steel and now Fallout 3 if you want to get started on sequel canon; be it the plot half ripped from Fallout 2, the ruining of the Vaults themselves (honestly what happened to the Overseer, he is now a man in an office?) or the absolute destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel; way to ruin one of the most interesting factions of Fallout.
Mini rant aside as I said, respective games endings, not sequels.
Sorry but all you do is bash fallout 3. You have not pointed anything bigger or any reasons on why deus ex is better on thos things. Please do because so far all you do is say "fallout 3 mediocre, horrrible and laughable" Oh and another thing atleast fallout 3 has a lore when deus ex does not. Why exactly deus ex ending is meaningfull? Also which one is it?Fallout 3 is excellent, but Deus Ex is likely the greatest game of all time (imo). It is my favorite.
This is a tough one.
I liked Deus Ex a lot and it always felt like it was more than the sum of its parts. It was unique and had a good story that kept me playing - conspiracies are intriguing. Too bad the final choice made the journey and the decisions leading to that point somewhat useless.
I also liked Fallout 3 but for some reason finding and saving vault dwellers father didn't feel as passionate while playing as it must have felt while reading the script. Side quests were far more intriguing. And of course how is a sequel of such marvelous games expected to be anything else than disappointing.
So, an original game over a sequel for me I guess. Deus Ex.
Anyway, now I'm waiting for sequels Fallout: New Vegas and Deus Ex: Human Revolutions.
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