[QUOTE="DanielDust"]Here it comes, a hurricane of baseless arguments from the absolute match of Wasdies statement, the man that played it for ~250 hours and asked for a refund, a refund for this game that, if tushed, would take around 12 hours to finish (on normal, but these games only ever make you play because of replayability, not because the story is so awesome you need to finish it 10 times +). No, I actually don't agree with Wasdie, overdramatic is an understatement for both this situation and the one he mentioned, how he acted during that time (RMAH). I loved Diablo, spent around 34 hours on the beta and about 80 on the final game, but damn, not even I loved it as much as this guy that is trying to convince himself it sucked, you're a heero SKaREO, you and that other guy with 500 hours + that is constantly playing and whining how it sucks, sooner or later he'll be at 1000+ hours still whining about how it sucks and how he can't stand it anymore, till he reachs 1500+, etc.Wasdie
I got in about 20 hours of Diablo 3 in one character, then I got bored. The game is fine, and I could easily get at least 150 hours out of it without an issue if the gameplay still held my interest. The problem is that Diablo 3 is an ARGP and those haven't been fun for me since I started playing a lot of other games. Back in Diablo 2 era, that's all my PC could play. It was play that or nothing. Of course I loved it. I would bet a lot more people were in that situation.
Now Diablo 3 has issues but it's still a quality game. It was fun for a single playthrough, but that style of gameplay just doesn't interest me anymore.
Is that a flop? Not for me, I wasn't expecting Diablo 3 to be amazing. I knew the shortcomings of Diablo 2 and I knew that Diablo 3 wanted to be like Diablo 2. Low and behold, Diablo 3 suffers from the same boring item grind, boring bosses, and shallow as heck gameplay that Diablo 2 did. Great for a single playthough, but it's not going to hold my interest for multiple playthroughs any time soon. I tried playing Diablo 2 LoD before I bought Diablo 3 and I got through Act I before becoming insanely bored. That should have been a hint.
I still think gamers, especially PC gamers, are really overdramatic when it comes to this stuff. The hype for Diablo 3 was impossibly high for any game to actually meet. People really thought this was going to be the second coming. Blizzard did really mess up the launch with the always-online connection. That's since passed and now people are seeing the Diablo series for what it is, shallow.
It's a series that was great 10 years ago but cannot hold up in 2012. It's really that simple.
Don't worry, Torchlight 2 will continue to prove that the isometric ARPG doesn't fit into today's PC gaming world. Sure, a lot of people will love it out of pure spite. Just look for those coming into these forums praising it and instantly comparing it to Diablo 3, saying how it is so much better blah blah blah blah. What's really going is happen is like what happened to the original Torchlight. It ended up being extremely shallow, repetitive, and boring. That's when I started to realize this style of ARPG just doesn't hold up anymore.
I'm just glad the online requirement kept me from buying it in the first place. :lol:
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