[QUOTE="-Unreal-"]BC changed content for the better. In regards to balance. The term "you can't please everyone" springs to mind, so they settled for a happy medium.-Unreal-
BC was the nail in the coffin. After basicly killing world pvp and giving away epics to every average joe on the block, they gave people flying mounts. Another reason not to bump into eachother and pvp >.>Arenas just became money making games for us, seeing who could hit the gold cap first. We'd just win win win get a team to 2400. Sell it. Do it all over again.
They cut the raid numbers down but it wasen't that bad. I havent played WOTLK but when I saw the Lich King being 10 manned I kind of threw up in my mouth abit.
The term "can't please everyone" dosent really spring to mind. We had a guild filled with rank 14's dedicated pvp'ers and raided every dungeon every week. We had lots of world firsts and server firsts. BC comes out... 3/4 of those people sell there accounts after we take down Illidan. Coincidence? No. They screwed the game for the real hardcore players like us. There was nothing left to do. No way to distinguish ourselves. There was no more fighting for power in world pvp and world bosses. There was basicly no more world PvP. All we had left was to just dominate the Arena day after day and sell teams to crappy ass players who wanted free epics.
If you mean "balance" by just giving everyone epics you actually had to earn and play for back in Vanilla. Yeah, they balanced it REAL good!
"Nail in the coffin" I think is a poor choice of term here since the game has continued to grow since BC.World PvP is still there. Players are free to create a world PvP scenario whenever they want. Go get your guild to attack a city, see what happens. Or a town, whatever.
Just because it's epic or purple doesn't make it good. Yes epics became easier to obtain, however good ones didn't. Check the ilvl, not the colour the name of the item is written in.
Flying mounts were a natural decision. You still bump into players in towns, cities, settlements and out in the world. The game is so busy you meet people everywhere. Maybe you're on an empty server. You should reroll maybe.
You mention arena being a gold maker? You could make gold easier by farming mobs. Show me your characters btw, I'd love to see all these that you got to 2400 and sold. Even so, if you really did do what you said, I don't see how that's a bad thing. One thing that I'd like to know is what good a 2400 team would do when they need to fight opponents at that level.
Why is lich king 10 man a bad thing too? I don't see how 10 people killing him is any different from 25 or even 40.
The term "can't please everyone" was in relation to the fact that people will always complain about something. They reduced the 40 man raids to 25 in order to provide guilds the ability to raid without having to find 40 people every time they wanted to do a dungeon. That is just one example, there's plenty more, even simple things like badge loot and things related to PvP gear. They were all done for a reason, mostly to please players and provide a happy medium, and so the term "can't please everyone" related to all of these. You say you had a guild filled with rank 14 players who raided every week as if every guild is like that. You are clearly missing the point, and if you're not missing the point, you're just being selfish in thinking everyone needs to play the game the same way.
As for world PvP and world bosses, you seem to be exaggerating. No one ever really "fought for power" over either. World PvP involved a bunch of people ranging from all levels assaulting a town like Tarren Mill and Southshore with nothing to gain or lose. And the thing is, you're as free as you always have been to get on your character and start something similar.
Keep commenting though on 2400 arena teams and downing Illidan pre-nerf before (of course you sold them!) selling your accounts. It goes in one ear and out the other because I really don't believe a word of it.
Did I say I sold my account? You can check the armory. Prexxus - Bonechewer - Hunter 71. My account got hacked after I quit, like I said I never got WOTLK. The bastard asian got me a level heh. And as for fighting for world bosses, it happened every single time a dragon spawned. It was pretty serious, we had a system where the member who saw it would call the guild leader who would then call the class officers at home. Then we'd all contact our classes members if possible and get everyone online. Those bastards used to love spawning at 4am >.> Horde would always show up and then we would fight for the bosses. Never in TBC was there anything like that for us. Anyways,Google my name if you don't beleive it. "Legends Prexxus" you should be able to see some stuff since my armory is so outdated you can't view it. Maybe it's because I got hacked who knows. I also made alot of UI's back in the day people are taking credit for now apparently.
Heh I'm thinking of coming back for cataclysm because I really do have hope for WoW. We'll see what happens I guess.
So many people stole my damn name, that armory is **** full. I remember a few months after I hit rank 14 they released new servers. One of my guildies told me a NE hunter named prexxus was playing there. I went to tell him to change his name and he told me " **** you, "ill be a better hunter then you'll ever be" then he ignored me. Lol. If anything -Unreal- atleast you've brught back some funny memories to me :P
Had good times on WoW, maybe I'm just bitter things fell apart. But I can't help blaming it on the changes they made. Maybe we just pushed way too hard and people got burned after TBC. Who knows
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