I'm a gamer since the early eighties. When I look at my collection, I love to pick up the old cassette tapes, 5 1/4" and 3.5" 2DD or HD floppies. Than, when I move up a shelf, I see CD cases and boxes, manuals, user guides, maps etc. When I look at the future shelf, I see a void :cry: NOTHING beats a physical copy of a game. The joy of unwrapping, reading the booklet on the toilet and the memories you get when you look at your collection every time you walk by are irreplaceable.
PC games boxes suck though now adays there not even big dvd case anymore just slim plastic dvd cases and don't come out with a manual anymore just a single sheet of paper that includes the controls and some advertising at most. Only collectors editions include nice packaging and some bonuses that make it more worthwhile going physhical assuming you buy the game at launch they sell out quick and then people price gouge them. You have some exceptions like the witcher 2 regular retail box includes alot of nice stuff. If pc games still came in these super sized cardboard boxes I might buy more physhical copies those are nice like mini collectors editions I only have a deus ex I lucked out on buying on amazon had no idea it was going to be a big box copy was surpsied when it arrived.
Sad enough, you're right about this. When I look at my collection I can see a huge difference between modern boxed games and older ones. Companies have become cheap and the nice extras have been replaced by a simple sheet of paper in most cases. To me, as a collector... this hurts a lot. Nowadays I can hardly tell the difference between my modern games- and movie collection. But still, I've got something to hold in my hands.
Because of this topic, I was browsing through my shelves, openend the last ninja tape for C64 and immediately grasped the feeling that I had as a kid. That tape used to be so important to me and the worn down ink on the cassette proves how many times I slid this into my deck. Digital copies are lifeless... sure you can play the game but it has become more sterile. Imo, no matter how stripped down the box is, I'll still prefer it over digital.
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