I do not believe Half-Life 2 is one of the best. Its partly because I'm not a big shooter fan. I'll play them from time to time but rarely keep them. The other reason for my not liking Half-Life 2 is due to the release and set-up.
Most critics and players won't agree with this but I firmly believe the installation and set-up of PC games should be part of review. If its broken, buggy, confusing, or hard to navigate it will affect the enjoyment of the game. Half-Life 2's release and set-up are worst in the history of video games. The lag was horrible and the willing of gamers and critics to thank Valve for this just pissed me off. It doesn't help any that Vavle uses a copy protection far stricter than anyone else. How can people get all worked up over activating Mass Effect but be ok with the mandatory third party program, activation, and download requirements that Valve subjects people too?
Sorry that went on too long. To answer the thread poster Half-Life 2 doesn't make my 100. Games like The Longest Journey, Planescape: Tourment, Deus Ex, Thief, and Unreal Tournament are some of my favorites.
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