[QUOTE="HIMSteveO"]I really enjoyed Doom 3 (even though I'm still yet to finish it - I'm slowly getting through it). It's good fun, looks great, and runs well. The only thing that annoys me is the lack of checkpoints/save spots, because I'm always going along nicely until I die and have to replay 10 minutes worth of game. That's pretty much my only complaint about it. It is pretty simple (it's a 'modern' re-imagination of the first game remember), but the PDA element gives it a bit of depth to it, and the 'magically materializing' monsters is kind of explained by thinking of it as the monsters entering through the gateways on Mars into the base. I also like the flashlight mechanic, it gives those dark sections a bit of drama and makes the more intense.
I will, one of these days, finish this game (I've just walked through the portal into hell), but I also have so many games (especially on Steam) to finish for the first time, and more that I'm trying to play through for a second time.
Lol I absolutely loved Doom 3 however, I have never beat it. And for a good reason lol.
I was a good length into the game, and I had just gotten out of a certain area sector. So I took a elevator to exit it, but I was low on health, and right when I exited the elevator I see a health pack in a closet like incave. Well, I didn't take a second to think about it when I was already in the closet. The next moment, I pick up that health pack, and I feel very safe and secure now, and RIGHT then and there, the closet closes, locking me in and the whole screen goes pitch black. Soon after, I hear that evil devil laugh, and a demon spawns IN the closet and attacks me. I was so scared and shocked I simply paused the game, stood up, turned the computer off manually and walked out of the room lol.
lol :D
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