[QUOTE="JP_Russell"][QUOTE="gogators4life"][QUOTE="sol_blade22"] The Squiggy is the most usless relic unit in the game >_>
Being bigger doesn't mean its better it just means its going to be a pathfinding nightmare T_T
Squiggy can own every relic unit except for Knarloc.
No, no it can't. It loses in a melee fight with any, yes, any other melee relic unit.
Read up on the damage values of the different relic units. Using math, you can figure out which relic unit is most likely to win a fight by comparing their average damage, health, and armor stats to each other.
The following comparisons are assuming the Squiggoth has the Extra Armor upgrade to 11,000 HP, and that the Knarloc has an Ethereal providing a 200 HP bonus. All of them are only taking into account average DPS, so the outcome can vary, but generally it will be not too far off.
Squiggoth VS. Avatar = Avatar winning with about 7460 HP.
Squiggoth VS. Bloodthirster = Bloodthirster winning with about 6180 HP.
Squiggoth VS. Kauyon Knarloc = Knarloc winning with about 5390 HP.
Squiggoth VS. Mont'ka Knarloc = Knarloc winning with about 2590 HP.
Basically you take the health of the relic unit opposing the Squiggoth (A), divide it by 125 (B)(Squiggoth's average DPS against daemon_high armor)(123 against the Avatar as he gains 2 HP/s in battle), and subtract from it the quotient of the Squiggoth's health (X) divided by the average DPS against daemon_high of the opposing relic unit (Y). Multiply the result (Z) by the Squiggoth's DPS to get how much HP the opposing relic unit would have left (N).
(A / B) - (X / Y) = Z
Z x B = N
If you don't want to even try to understand such mumbo-jumbo, I'll explain it with words. You figure out how many seconds it would take for the Squiggoth to kill its enemy, and how many seconds it would take for the enemy to kill the Squiggoth. You subtract the lesser of the two times from the greater.
The result is how much more time it would have taken the loser before it would have been able to kill the enemy had the losernot been killed. So, you take this amount of time and multiply it by the loser's average DPS against its enemy to figure out how much more HP it would need to take out before the enemy would be killed. This gives you the average amount of health the enemy will have when they kill the loser.
Again, that's average health. It's entirely possible for a Squiggoth to take down any of the relic units I said could beat it. Attack damage isn't the same at each hit as it picks an amount of damage randomly between the minimum and maximum damage values of the unit's attack. Accuracy isn't 100% for most units, so some attacks can miss. However, only a certain degree of variation is feasible to occur. It isn't feasible the Squiggoth would win against any of them.
If you say so,and right now,Knarloc beats Squiggy.So that means Knarloc is overpowered(imbalanced), right?
Why? It's slow, it has almost as bad pathing as the Squiggoth, it has no way to regenerate health, It takes up 5 cap as opposed to the usual 3 for relic units, it has no abilities or special effects... It just fights, and does it well while it's still alive.
As I said before, the Squiggoth can be repaired, so you can retreat from a lost battle and heal it back up. The same can't be said for the Bloodthirster, whose only purpose is to keep killing and destroying until he's gone, or the Avatar, who gains HP in battle so slowly he's only guaranteed to come out of a fight without a scratch against weaklings like Cultists. The Squiggoth has ranged weapons, the Zzzap gun being particularly powerful. It can transport other units to the battle. It has the rampage ability, a somewhat useful ability (though it gets interrupted too easily).
All in all, the Squiggoth is not too bad. The main problems with it are its twin big shootas need to be a little more effective, rampage needs to be harder to stop, its melee attack and Zzzap Gun accuracy could be increased a tiny bit, and its pathing needs some work. All fairly minor things, really.
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