lol. yeah I think PCgamer needs the money they went and gave a **** console port a high score.
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Maybe they actually enjoyed it? Did that thought not cross your mind?Doom_HellKnightLmao, yeah I agree. They just liked the game, and so do I. :)
"Console port this, console port that.." blah blah blah. It all comes down to whether you had a lot of fun with the game or not. This isn't politics. Then again, PC Gamer does go overboard with their scores some of the times.
Currently pre-loading DA2 (because I'm too cheap and bought it for $48 on GamersGate, now I have to wait till March 11th), till then, I'll see if it does deserver a good score.
Its a very good game, even great as gaemspots review score says.
I would personally give it a 8.5 so far after 5-6 hours.
Does some things better then Origins and some things worse, both very good games imo.
Do I agree with pc gamers score? Nope, that might change when I beat the game a few times, but we shall see.
They have there opinion just as we do.
Just like some people enjoyed Farcry2 and others didn't. I woudl not give Farcry2 the score they did, but its all personal opinion. I respect what the reviewer thought of the game, gave his honest opinion. I dont expect everyone to enjoy badly rated games like Elemental or Risen, but for me I loved those games even with there low scores they got. In the end its what you think of the game as you are playing it, not what reviews or others think. I suggest to try the game and make a decision yourself.
For months I was worried about this game, but here today I am having a blast playing the full version. The only bad part of the game in teh first 6 hours is the very begining which was in the demo lol.
Well, let's not forget this is the publcation that recent named Oblivion as the third best PC game of all time.
If sites and magazine would get 1 dollar for every review that's "apparently paid", they'd be more profitable per employee than Google and Valve.
It came out weeks before the game was released.
It said that it had "The best RPG combat ever"
It fits perfectly in the marketing campaign...
Official Xbox Magazine9/10
Official Playstation Magazine 9/10
PC Gamer 9/10
This was planned :)
If sites and magazine would get 1 dollar for every review that's "apparently paid", they'd be more profitable per employee than Google and Valve.
It came out weeks before the game was released.
It said that it had "The best RPG combat ever"
It fits perfectly in the marketing campaign...
Official Xbox Magazine9/10
Official Playstation Magazine 9/10
PC Gamer 9/10
This was planned :)
By the Greys from Zeta Reticuli, the lackeys of the Reptilian Orion Empire nonetheless.
If sites and magazine would get 1 dollar for every review that's "apparently paid", they'd be more profitable per employee than Google and Valve.
It came out weeks before the game was released.
It said that it had "The best RPG combat ever"
It fits perfectly in the marketing campaign...
Official Xbox Magazine9/10
Official Playstation Magazine 9/10
PC Gamer 9/10
This was planned :)
i HIGHLY doubt that it's paid up. If EA were buying up reviews why wouldn't they buy up reviews with one of the website that has a known history for it?[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
If sites and magazine would get 1 dollar for every review that's "apparently paid", they'd be more profitable per employee than Google and Valve.
It came out weeks before the game was released.
It said that it had "The best RPG combat ever"
It fits perfectly in the marketing campaign...
Official Xbox Magazine9/10
Official Playstation Magazine 9/10
PC Gamer 9/10
This was planned :)
i HIGHLY doubt that it's paid up. If EA were buying up reviews why wouldn't they buy up reviews with one of the website that has a known history for it? You think PC gamer is by the books unbiased reviewer?It wouldn't be so shady, if it wasn't for the fact that they call it "The best RPG combat ever"
And it was the first review ever to come out, even before the game went gold. Very suspect.
Plus it fits the campaign very well. Xbox Mag, PS3 Mag, PC gamer.
i HIGHLY doubt that it's paid up. If EA were buying up reviews why wouldn't they buy up reviews with one of the website that has a known history for it? You think PC gamer is by the books unbiased reviewer?[QUOTE="kieranb2000"]
It was payed up.
It came out weeks before the game was released.
It said that it had "The best RPG combat ever"
It fits perfectly in the marketing campaign...Official Xbox Magazine9/10
Official Playstation Magazine 9/10
PC Gamer 9/10
This was planned :)
It wouldn't be so shady, if it wasn't for the fact that they call it "The best RPG combat ever"
And it was the first review ever to come out, even before the game went gold. Very suspect.
Plus it fits the campaign very well. Xbox Mag, PS3 Mag, PC gamer.
I was just saying if they WERE doing that, why not go the whole hog and pay off Gamespot too?
Also, Magazines get to release reviews earlier because they work on a set schedule and it would be unfair for companies to NOT let them do it. People only really point it out like this when a game they don't like gets high scores though.
Good lord, why can't reviewers ever like a game and NOT get accused of being payed off? Is there any proof that they were paid?millerlight89Of course there is... If at least one person disagrees then it is proof enough that the review is paid off... And god forbid that two other magazines gave the game nines. This is definately a conspiracy, a coup...
I don't know if I would instantly call this a product of consolization. Every version, the PC version and the console version, got completely dumbed down since DAO.
This is a product of way to short of a development time and trying to expand it's market by offering a more standard gameplay scheme.
In the grand scheme of things, the game is probably not bad, but considring it's the direct sequel of one of the best RPGs in recent memory, it's a severe letdown.
Yea, they've gone down in quality since the start of this millennium. So far, I wouldn't say it's a terrible game or anything, definitely not as good an rpg as the first though. I mean, not being able to give companions better armor... What the hell's that about?guynamedbillyWell, they chose to have unique companion armors like Mass Effect 2 so they could be more personable to the player. It never bothered me in Mass Effect 2 and from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to bother me in Dragon Age 2.
I think you are overestimating how much of it has been dumbed down.I don't know if I would instantly call this a product of consolization. Every version, the PC version and the console version, got completely dumbed down since DAO.
This is a product of way to short of a development time and trying to expand it's market by offering a more standard gameplay scheme.
In the grand scheme of things, the game is probably not bad, but considring it's the direct sequel of one of the best RPGs in recent memory, it's a severe letdown.
Im about 3 hours in and im enjoying it..The skills are fun, it adds as you lvl..Wow you people cry about the silliest things..The camera angle is horrible, its not that bad..It should be pushed back i agree..It doesnt hinder you from enjoying the game though..You can still pan around an choose your targets..Either a single hit or a aoe hit..Story so far is enjoyable..Only reason im taking a break tonight im a bit tired been up since 430 am..Ill be playing this an finishing it..Another thing that makes me laugh with some of you people is the voice acting omfg his voice is terrible..Please use sub titles if you need to turn it off..Graphically its better than i expected..Game-play wise its fun..
They had to do some thing for the controlls on the xbox..If you own a 360 sure it sucked to play..You can still play the old way i am..Thats whats making it enjoyable to me..Im only like lvl 4 an have a ton of skills already..
Whats going to be funny is when the witcher 2 comes out..Same people will cry they dumbed it down..
if the witcher 2 was multiplat, there would be cries of console port. Folks here love to troll. Ive actually seen cries of dragon age origins being a console port as well, so many trolls!Im about 3 hours in and im enjoying it..The skills are fun, it adds as you lvl..Wow you people cry about the silliest things..The camera angle is horrible, its not that bad..It should be pushed back i agree..It doesnt hinder you from enjoying the game though..You can still pan around an choose your targets..Either a single hit or a aoe hit..Story so far is enjoyable..Only reason im taking a break tonight im a bit tired been up since 430 am..Ill be playing this an finishing it..Another thing that makes me laugh with some of you people is the voice acting omfg his voice is terrible..Please use sub titles if you need to turn it off..Graphically its better than i expected..Game-play wise its fun..
They had to do some thing for the controlls on the xbox..If you own a 360 sure it sucked to play..You can still play the old way i am..Thats whats making it enjoyable to me..Im only like lvl 4 an have a ton of skills already..
Whats going to be funny is when the witcher 2 comes out..Same people will cry they dumbed it down..
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]Good lord, why can't reviewers ever like a game and NOT get accused of being payed off? Is there any proof that they were paid?EzekyleAbadonOf course there is... If at least one person disagrees then it is proof enough that the review is paid off... And god forbid that two other magazines gave the game nines. This is definately a conspiracy, a coup... Off with their heads and burn them at the stake! I heard they make good BBQs too. Well, except for Kevin O. He's a little less meaty these days,
Yeah, well I see your "I disagree" and raise you a "lighten the heck up" :P
The game is fun, and where others might call it dumbed down, I prefer the term refined
All the elements of a solid RPG are still there; questing, leveling, NPC interaction, and character development. And theyre all done extremely well.
Yeah, well I see your "I disagree" and raise you a "lighten the heck up" :P
The game is fun, and where others might call it dumbed down, I prefer the term refined
All the elements of a solid RPG are still there; questing, leveling, NPC interaction, and character development. And theyre all done extremely well.
Well said, agreeed 100000%
How have you found the combat? Is there more of it than in Origins?Yeah, well I see your "I disagree" and raise you a "lighten the heck up" :P
The game is fun, and where others might call it dumbed down, I prefer the term refined
All the elements of a solid RPG are still there; questing, leveling, NPC interaction, and character development. And theyre all done extremely well.
i've only played the demo, but i think they made the combat really fun and better looking compared to dao.
i wouldnt pay $50-60 for it though. everything looks simpler,
which is understandable if they're trying to please the simple-minded non-hardcore rpg gamers :P
consolized? definitely imo. i'll wait till it goes down $25-30. some sale happens.
one thing that i can never figure out about these "professional" reviewers.
what's the difference between a 94, 95 and 96/100 >_>?
i dislike these review scales with decimal approximations. not a big fan of x-play's reviews,
but i prefer their 5 scale rating system. no 4 1/2 or 9.23562 ratings -_-.
one thing that i can never figure out about these "professional" reviewers.
what's the difference between a 94, 95 and 96/100 >_>?
i dislike these review scales with decimal approximations. not a big fan of x-play's reviews,
but i prefer their 5 scale rating system. no 4 1/2 or 9.23562 ratings -_-.
I actually like the xx/100 scores. It makes it easier imo.I hate round number, or even scores to the half (i.e. 8.5). Though it does require a general "feeling" of the reviewer and their tilt.
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]How have you found the combat? Is there more of it than in Origins? I haven't played too far in, but it's about the same as far as frequency. Less areas where every room you walk into is guaranteed to have enemies, but more random 'bad guys in the streets' while wandering shady parts of town. I haven't quite gotten the hang of combat, but it feels like damage and such are VERY skewed towards combat roles now - i.e. my rogue is doing over twice the damage of my (admittedly, sword/board) warrior without really trying.Yeah, well I see your "I disagree" and raise you a "lighten the heck up" :P
The game is fun, and where others might call it dumbed down, I prefer the term refined
All the elements of a solid RPG are still there; questing, leveling, NPC interaction, and character development. And theyre all done extremely well.
Yeah, well I see your "I disagree" and raise you a "lighten the heck up" :P
The game is fun, and where others might call it dumbed down, I prefer the term refined
All the elements of a solid RPG are still there; questing, leveling, NPC interaction, and character development. And theyre all done extremely well.
I would like to see where exactly it is dumbed down.. Especially in combat.. on Hard and Nightmare is really challenging.. And Character development in abilty choices are WAY BETTER.. One thing I love is the fact that there are different looking armors for one.. Thats one thing that absoultely pissed me off int he first one.. In that the Warrior basically got numerous looking cool armors.. While the rogue and mage got shafted completely. Furthermore it seems like the numerous specs are way cooler and better (such as archery..) So far I like the story a bit more than Dragon Age Origins.. Its not over top like "YOUR the planets last hope! Don't fail us!" But so far its starting on small stories centered around just simply trying get your family raised in status.. The only thing I am worried about is game length at this time, and exploration in some of the levels.. There is some exploration but it doesn't necessarly make me feel that there are optional parts of the game you can and can not use.. Furthermore the game is far more balanced.. Rogues and warriors aren't weak as hell, your not forced to have a character in party you hate because you happen to pick a warrior and rogue (and there are really only 2 mages in the first game)..
The hate this game is getting is ridiculous. Look at the user reviews for the PC version... a bunch of hysterically bitter metagame nerds venting and generally making a nuisance of themselves here and on gamefaqs...
People have a lot of pent up anger at the latest trend from developers to simplify games for consoles. DA:O was a masterpiece on PC--sort of sacred territory for PC gamers (crysis is the same way). They are venting.
I'll admit I'm not too happy with this. If DA2 weren't a sequel I would probably love it, but after playing the first one all I see is what is missing.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"][QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]How have you found the combat? Is there more of it than in Origins? I haven't played too far in, but it's about the same as far as frequency. Less areas where every room you walk into is guaranteed to have enemies, but more random 'bad guys in the streets' while wandering shady parts of town. I haven't quite gotten the hang of combat, but it feels like damage and such are VERY skewed towards combat roles now - i.e. my rogue is doing over twice the damage of my (admittedly, sword/board) warrior without really trying.Yeah, well I see your "I disagree" and raise you a "lighten the heck up" :P
The game is fun, and where others might call it dumbed down, I prefer the term refined
All the elements of a solid RPG are still there; questing, leveling, NPC interaction, and character development. And theyre all done extremely well.
Here is the difference though.. Warrior has a ton of crowd control, defense and an actually effective area effect.. Rogue do not (at least the daul wielder), they focus on single damage.. If anything this game might tougher than the first one due to the area effects every one has on the highest diffculty, and they throw a crap ton of guys at you sometimes.. Where I can't even figure out how I would be able to effectively combat such fights at this time in nightmare difficulty.. Add in mods and I will say its be great. The only thing I am worried about is just replaybility.
DA:O was a masterpiece on PC--sort of sacred territory for PC gamers.Mr_DittersSee, this I don't get. DA:O was in no way a masterpiece. In fact, it was pretty mediocre overall. Not a bad game, but no Elders Scrolls, KotOR, heck I'd say ME2 was a bit better and I don't particularly like the ME franchise. The highlight of DA:O was the character interactions, and they remain intact.
See, this I don't get. DA:O was in no way a masterpiece. In fact, it was pretty mediocre overall. Not a bad game, but no Elders Scrolls, KotOR, heck I'd say ME2 was a bit better and I don't particularly like the ME franchise. The highlight of DA:O was the character interactions, and they remain intact.[QUOTE="Mr_Ditters"]DA:O was a masterpiece on PC--sort of sacred territory for PC gamers.jedinat
Well that is a matter of opinion. For many people it is a masterpiece. I think it was good enough to call it a masterpiece. I may have liked the Witcher more though. I would take DA:O over elders scrolls any day. I don't know how you can call DA:O mediocre though. As far as ME goes,I think ME2 was pretty dumbed down with less customizability--not as bad as what they did to DA though.
Yeah PC Gamer is an odd, odd magazine. I bought the issue, and ever since being damn scarred by their words on Far Cry 2 I honestly have been taking their words with a tinge of doubt. While I don't think DA2 will be poor, I am doubtful it's as good as the gushing review described. skrat_01
[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Yeah PC Gamer is an odd, odd magazine. I bought the issue, and ever since being damn scarred by their words on Far Cry 2 I honestly have been taking their words with a tinge of doubt. While I don't think DA2 will be poor, I am doubtful it's as good as the gushing review described. Ragingbear505
I don't know if I would instantly call this a product of consolization. Every version, the PC version and the console version, got completely dumbed down since DAO.
This is a product of way to short of a development time and trying to expand it's market by offering a more standard gameplay scheme.
In the grand scheme of things, the game is probably not bad, but considring it's the direct sequel of one of the best RPGs in recent memory, it's a severe letdown.
I've got around 24 hours in Wasdie, and I imported my saved game from the end of Witch Hunt.
So far there's been dialog references to DA:O events and expected returning characters, but the game can stand on its own storyline.
I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm hoping others will as well.
I'm particularly impressed by mage behavior during melee, much improved over the original. My mage seems less weak in DA 2 over Origins.
Yeah PC Gamer is an odd, odd magazine. I bought the issue, and ever since being damn scarred by their words on Far Cry 2 I honestly have been taking their words with a tinge of doubt. While I don't think DA2 will be poor, I am doubtful it's as good as the gushing review described. skrat_01
Ok I can really say this about any game out there if we look down the lines of reviews.. Look at what Oblivion was given here.. And many people despised the game.. We can claim that PCgamer hops on the gravy train and overhypes everything.. EXCEPT if you look at their reviews for the last few months you will see they either review on par with gamespot or lower than.. For instance they gave Black Ops a score in the 60's.. When here it got a 90%..... Tinge of doubt? Should we than also be suspect of Gamespot which gave Farcry 2 a 8.5?
I've got around 24 hours in Wasdie, and I imported my saved game from the end of Witch Hunt.
So far there's been dialog references to DA:O events and expected returning characters, but the game can stand on its own storyline.
I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm hoping others will as well.
I'm particularly impressed by mage behavior during melee, much improved over the original. My mage seems less weak in DA 2 over Origins.
Less weak? I found mages ridiculously overpowered in origins.
I've got around 24 hours in Wasdie, and I imported my saved game from the end of Witch Hunt.
So far there's been dialog references to DA:O events and expected returning characters, but the game can stand on its own storyline.
I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm hoping others will as well.
I'm particularly impressed by mage behavior during melee, much improved over the original. My mage seems less weak in DA 2 over Origins.
Less weak? I found mages ridiculously overpowered in origins.
Blood magic just wasn't even fair.
Oh I don't think they overhype everything nor do I think 'they're paid off'. Honestly it's the actual reviews themselves that concerns me - I'd rather read about someone's thoughts on the game without a score, than read some sort of personal review posing as critically objective with a score. The Dragon Age review was overwhelmingly positive, so was the Far Cry 2 review - neither of them were very well written. I'd happily say the same for plenty of other places - IGN, GameSpot etc. I'm only really bothered when games with massive problems are glossed over by the reviewer, case point Far Cry 2. That's when I really raise an eyebrow - considering these were glaring and not mentioned in the view, well - if it was a more opinionated piece not based around a percentage, then I wouldn't have been nearly as bothered. They weren't the only magazine to screw up in this regard.Ok I can really say this about any game out there if we look down the lines of reviews.. Look at what Oblivion was given here.. And many people despised the game.. We can claim that PCgamer hops on the gravy train and overhypes everything.. EXCEPT if you look at their reviews for the last few months you will see they either review on par with gamespot or lower than.. For instance they gave Black Ops a score in the 60's.. When here it got a 90%..... Tinge of doubt? Should we than also be suspect of Gamespot which gave Farcry 2 a 8.5?
I've got around 24 hours in Wasdie, and I imported my saved game from the end of Witch Hunt.
So far there's been dialog references to DA:O events and expected returning characters, but the game can stand on its own storyline.
I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm hoping others will as well.
I'm particularly impressed by mage behavior during melee, much improved over the original. My mage seems less weak in DA 2 over Origins.
Less weak? I found mages ridiculously overpowered in origins.
Blood magic just wasn't even fair.
Elemental AoE was ridiculous - stacking huge casts with knockdown, and being able to group heal. Was gloriously overpowered.Please Log In to post.
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