Even if it is fun they still continue to take away from classic pc elements we love to dumb these games down for consoles and this is pissing me off.
I feel the term "dumbed down" is thrown around a lot these days.
There is nothing dumb or dumbed down about Dragon Age 2. The plot is there, complete with generally well-written and well-voiced script and dialogue. NPC interaction is as enjoyable as ever. Character progression exists, both in stats and personal choice. Combat is still exciting, perhaps more so, due to being visually stimulating and interactive.
Dragon Age 2 is streamlined and simplified in my opinion, not dumbed down. I personally welcome this; I work a full-time job, I went to school, went to college...I dont want to spend minutes on end doing math equations and virtual dice rolls and worrying too much about crap like that. I want to jump into the fray, fight, interact, and generally have a fun time.
I completely understand why people object to this. I play DnD on paper with friends,I am a gaming veteran, and while i was late to the RPG party, I have experience with Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, and more. Those were all excellent games but, hell, they were also a pain in the ass to play.
Dragon Age 2 has kept all the immersion of those game (NPC interaction, plot, choice, etc) while doing away with the stuff that was a hassle.
In short, the PC RPG has evolved. I am sorry some of us are stuck in the past, and I can empathize, but I feel like it is time to move on. You might be pissed off about Dragon Age 2 doing away with the complexity of the old school DnD RPGs, but deep down I think you folks might be more pissed off if the DnD RPG movement remained stagnant.
This is why I feel Bioware is one of the few developers with real balls. They started with the old formula, were pretty damn successful even, and yet they didnt sit on their ass about it. They said "Yeah, we are good, but what can we do better" and they walked that treacherous path of evolution. People got burned along the way, and continue to get burned, but its worthwhile in my opinion.
In short, Bioware is evolution in action. Not consolification, dumbing down, selling out, etc. The people that object to it are no better than a caveman looking on at his neighbor who just found out about the bow and arrow and say "Pffffft, my rock is better. It has class, requires more skill. That bow and arrow is just stupid"
Great post, agreed 100%k, infact I was just about to write up a big post with much of hte same things that you said.
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