"When asked for comment, BioWare reps confirmed the GI story's accuracy and that it had not previously named consoles for Dragon Age, but they declined to comment further. However, the article flatly states that the console editions of the game will reflect the "core PC experience" with some interface tweaking and will not be watered-down console ports."
guess Bioware has no say on the fate of Dragon Origin after all, it's EA. However, they're not necessarily entirely innoccent of couse, since they've been a multi-platorm developer after NWN. This time is simply their first PC->console work. The game is certainly made for PC, but cannot really tell that going console was not premediated.
now my anticipation for this game drops--- not because it's not PC exclusive anymore (that's a SW thing), but because I seriously doubt it'll be a return to BG experiecne since its *core experiecne* can actually be lived on console version. and honestly, I simply don't understand what could it mean by "will not be water-down console ports"?
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