Everyone has pointed out exactly why its similar to MMORPG combat and you have no real counter argument so you resort to saying we are "high". Perhaps if you engaged in an intelligent discussion as to why its not styled like an MMORPG then perhaps people would find your opinion valid.[QUOTE="bonafidetk"][QUOTE="vfibsux"]
Sorry but I still think you guys are high with this comparison to MMO combat. I have to think you don't play MMO's.
First of all no not "everyone" is saying it is like an MMO.
Number two, I don't need you to find my opinion valid, nor do I feel the need to find your valid simply because you say so.
Beyond the fact there is a holy trinity and the use of taunting I see no similarities whatsoever to an MMO in which I am playing one character and real life people are playing the rest of the group and we are all working together to conduct one goal in real time. You cannot pause, you do not need to make any strategic decisions, you cannot save and reload when you fail. Just because I can pause and make the "tank" in my party taunt does not make it like an MMO in any way, shape, or form to me. I played through the entire campaign at least once and then some, then all of awakenings as well and not once until this thread did I ever associate "MMO" with this game. And I have played MMO's from UO all the way through EQ, Daoc, WoW, and presently playing Rift and GW2. So yes, I think if you think "MMO" when playing a single player game you can pause and make strategic decisions in.....ur high. That's MY opinion, take or leave it, makes no difference to me.
im sorry but i dont get whats the difference with this and mmo combat? its like they took wow combat, cut out some content and implemented it into this game.
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