Witch one did you enjoy better?
I'm currently playing DAO and i'm 70 hours in and I love it.
So I'm wondering what do you guys think after playing the Witcher 2.
I'm not gonna compare Dragon Age 2 because I know it's inferior to DAO.
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This is a hard one. I really liked both. DAO had the better ending but, The Witcher 2 had the better story. I'm going to give DAO my vote because I have a feeling it's going to be losing bad.
I have only played about 1hour of the first Dragon age and didnt like it at all. Witcher 2 i love.
You know what, same thing happened to me, I played it for like 2 hours, didn't like it so I uninstalled it.
But After Dragon Age 2 came out, I gave DAO another chance and ended up loving it, it's one of my favourite games, very addictive.
You just need to give it more time, it starts off a bit slow but than it gets tobe very ecxiting.Very long game dough.
DAO was awesome my first time around. My second playthrough felt tedious at times.
The Witcher 2 for me
I have only played about 1hour of the first Dragon age and didnt like it at all. Witcher 2 i love.
You know what, same thing happened to me, I played it for like 2 hours, didn't like it so I uninstalled it.
But After Dragon Age 2 came out, I gave DAO another chance and ended up loving it, it's one of my favourite games, very addictive.
You just need to give it more time, it starts off a bit slow but than it gets tobe very ecxiting.Very long game dough.
Oh, so it really get better later on? I have problem give some games time, if i dont like it i stop play and jump on something else :roll:
I have allways been a fan of bioware and their games, I haveplayed baldurs gate and I think Dragon Age was a very very good game.
Compared to the witcher 2 however, Dragon Age Origins is quite shallow, easy, dumbed down and boring. (still think DAO is an imba game, it just withers, whenit is compared to TWII)
Unlike most people who are jumping onto The Witcher 2 due to the recency effect, I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins far more than The Witcher 2. It still ranks as one of the best PC RPGs I have ever played. Why? While The Witcher 2 may have had a much better plot, Dragon Age: Origins still tops it when it comes to character development.
I didn't give a flying crap about Triss, Dandelion, or Zoltan. The writing was terrible for those characters. Roche was awesome, but he exhibited very little change throughout the game. Henselt, Sile, and Dethmold were your typical power-hungry, greedy powerbrokers. Hell, even Geralt comes off as too wooden and stoic at times. Where was the character development? Quite simply, there was none.
And I take the old-school DnD-inspired turn-based gameplay over The Witcher 2's real-time swordfighting any day.
Granted however, The Witcher 2 is a superior game to Dragon Age 2. But not Dragon Age Origins.
Damn kids even hating on Origins lol Also +1 to not caring about TW2's characters. I skipped most cutscenes
Unlike most people who are jumping onto The Witcher 2 due to the recency effect, I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins far more than The Witcher 2. It still ranks as one of the best PC RPGs I have ever played. Why? While The Witcher 2 may have had a much better plot, Dragon Age: Origins still tops it when it comes to character development.
I didn't give a flying crap about Triss, Dandelion, or Zoltan. The writing was terrible for those characters. Roche was awesome, but he exhibited very little change throughout the game. Henselt, Sile, and Dethmold were your typical power-hungry, greedy powerbrokers. Hell, even Geralt comes off as too wooden and stoic at times. Where was the character development? Quite simply, there was none.
And I take the old-school DnD-inspired turn-based gameplay over The Witcher 2's real-time swordfighting any day.
Granted however, The Witcher 2 is a superior game to Dragon Age 2. But not Dragon Age Origins.
I agree with you about the characters. Though Roach makes up for it since he is so bad ass. I actually liked Henselt until the later parts. I didn't mind Geralt that much in this game though I didn't like him in the first Witcher.
The books portray the Witcher and his friends much better. In the game his friends are just like any other npc.
I also didn't like Triss. I understand why all the nerds in their basements are all about her but, for me she just doesn't seem to fit in. She has an American accent which just seems out of place. She acts like a 20 year old which doesn't make sense. The way they portray the character just seems way off.
Well I haven't even installed my copy of The Witcher 2 yet (which is killing me as I've had it since before launch) but I will say that Im in chapter 5 of the first one now and i prefer it to DA:O. I really enjoyed DA my first play through and then suddenly a bit into my second go through it I suddenly didn't like it :/.
Dragon Age is a good enough game, but I honestly got rather bored. It just couldn't hold my interest for some reason, and I'm not really in any hurry to carry on with it.
The Witcher 2, on the other hand, I'm having a blast with. One of the best games I've played in quite a while.
I'm not in to the whole party based RPGs; World of Warcraft gives enough. So Witcher 2 gets my vote.
The Witcher 2. Origins is terrifically cliche and cheesy in both story and setting, and it was really, really tedious.
The Witcher 2. Origins is terrifically cliche and cheesy in both story and setting, and it was really, really tedious.
This. I liked the depth of the combat and how much content it had, but the setting was just so Cliché and bland, as was the story. I couldn't get immersed in the game world for these reasons, and that really hurts an RPG in my opinion.
Also, near the beginning of the game I unlocked a quest only to find out I needed to PAY EXTRA to actually play it. This really ****** me off and reminded me of what I hate about this industry. I'm all for DLC, as long as there's no traces of it in the original game, it makes it feel incomplete.
my verdict is the same as DA2 vs. TW2
DAO wins in combat and character development system, but TW2 wins everything elese, choice-consequence, quest designs and game narrative.
facing the two Witcher games, party base combat and NPC interaction/quest are the only saving grace of DA games.
They're both pretty equal in my book but I prefer solo RPG's and real time action as opposed to the turn based DnD action in Origins. Still both are excellent games.Moriarity_
DAO's combat isn't dnd. FAR from it.
[QUOTE="Moriarity_"]They're both pretty equal in my book but I prefer solo RPG's and real time action as opposed to the turn based DnD action in Origins. Still both are excellent games.teardropmina
DAO's combat isn't dnd. FAR from it.
But DnD-inspired, nonetheless.
I haven't finished TW2, but I really enjoyed Origins. I'd say at the moment I'm liking both about the same, maybe Origins edges it a bit. TW2 is being heavily overrated by people. I think because it's a PC exclusive, by a relatively new developer and is the sequel to a promising title that had lots to be improved upon.
[QUOTE="Moriarity_"]They're both pretty equal in my book but I prefer solo RPG's and real time action as opposed to the turn based DnD action in Origins. Still both are excellent games.teardropmina
DAO's combat isn't dnd. FAR from it.
And it certainlyisn't turn-based.
[QUOTE="Moriarity_"]They're both pretty equal in my book but I prefer solo RPG's and real time action as opposed to the turn based DnD action in Origins. Still both are excellent games.The_Capitalist
DAO's combat isn't dnd. FAR from it.
But DnD-inspired, nonetheless.
it's not; DAO's combat is better understood as Infinity Engine inspired than dnd.
dnd rule has round and turn, even it appears to be real-time + pause, dnd CRPG combat is still virtually turn base.
DA:O->DA2 is simply real-time action with pause function.
DAO's combat isn't dnd. FAR from it.
But DnD-inspired, nonetheless.
it's not; DAO's combat is better understood as Infinity Engine inspired than dnd.
dnd rule has round and turn, even it appears to be real-time + pause, dnd CRPG combat is still virtually turn base.
DA:O->DA2 is simply real-time action with pause function.
DA2 is a joke lol At least DA was mildly entertainingI played 8 hours DAO and i seriously unistalled it . Dont know what people liked so much and hype it like no other RPG this gen. Was decent to my eyes. I play Witcher 2 on my friends PC and tommorow im goin to buy it. I couldnt stop playing.Witch one did you enjoy better?
I'm currently playing DAO and i'm 70 hours in and I love it.
So I'm wondering what do you guys think after playing the Witcher 2.
I'm not gonna compare Dragon Age 2 because I know it's inferior to DAO.
id like to see people talk more about the graphics of DA2 vs graphics of witcher 2
from what i have seen witcher 2 completely whips dragon age 2 behind on that part....am i wrong?
Yes, it does. Even the original Witcher looked better.id like to see people talk more about the graphics of DA2 vs graphics of witcher 2
from what i have seen witcher 2 completely whips dragon age 2 behind on that part....am i wrong?
id like to see people talk more about the graphics of DA2 vs graphics of witcher 2
what's the point of talking about the obvious?
DAO is a tired and old formula that was executed poorly. Witcher 2 is fresh and unique, it takes the RPG genre into the new generation of gaming.Im_single
I do not believe the formula is tired and old, I do however agree that the epic formula was executed, with less enthusiasm and love than Baldurs Gate was.
From the sounds of it, the Witcher 2 is the clear winner.
I didn't even play it yet, I'm still waiting to finish Dragon Age Awakening to start playing The Witcher,
but I don't think I can hold it anymore, I really want to play it.
I started PC gaming about a year ago, I've been trying to catchup with all the great games.
Do you guys think it's neccessary to play the first Witcher before playing Witcher 2?
i was really in dragon age origins...i liked it a lot , i did a full complete play thru and i have yet to play the other origins... but i think DA2 as left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouth. because it was done fast and looked cheap and without soul.
I have not played the witcher 2 yet but from what i can see it just looks amazing... i guess it is going to raie the bar for dragon age 3 as weel as skyrim will help on that and show EA and Bioware that they cannot get away with doing a cheap looking cookie cutter type game without any repurcussions.
i felt that DA2 got a lot of unjustified love from the critics that it should not have had. I have seen better game getting demolished and get poor rating when they were in fact somewhat better than Dragon age 2.
I am somewhat happy with the overall scoring of the witcher 2 and it proves that a small studio can do an insanely good looking game with almost no resources...
Well it depends you can get some new weapons that are okey for a while in the game. A few notes about past events, people changes. Some people will attack you / help you depending on your choices. Its not a requirement to play the first game but in the end i highly recommend it so that you know about the things going on.From the sounds of it, the Witcher 2 is the clear winner.
I didn't even play it yet, I'm still waiting to finish Dragon Age Awakening to start playing The Witcher,
but I don't think I can hold it anymore, I really want to play it.
I started PC gaming about a year ago, I've been trying to catchup with all the great games.
Do you guys think it's neccessary to play the first Witcher before playing Witcher 2?
From the sounds of it, the Witcher 2 is the clear winner.
I didn't even play it yet, I'm still waiting to finish Dragon Age Awakening to start playing The Witcher,
but I don't think I can hold it anymore, I really want to play it.
I started PC gaming about a year ago, I've been trying to catchup with all the great games.
Do you guys think it's neccessary to play the first Witcher before playing Witcher 2?
You really ought to play the first one yes.
The story arcs are different, but they kind of follow on from each other. There are a lot of people, places and events from the first game that are referenced in the second game. So while not perhaps 100% essential, it's definitely recommended that you play the first one.
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