DRAKENSANG - why you should look into this game.

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#1 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

Hi. If you don't like reading lengthy posts, then do me a favor and buzz off.

There are two things that I should admit to up front. The first is that when I'm playing a new game that I really like I tend to experience a kind of honeymoon phase during which I'll love the game maybe a little bit more than it truly warrants.

With me, this phase usually lasts between 7 and 10 days, and since I've been playing Drakensang for 4 days now that puts me squarely in the honeymoon phase. (I've known other gamers to enter this phase, and it's annoying. What you want to do, really, is slap them across the room in attempt to wake them from their reverie. Yeah - I understand that.) The second thing is that I'm an enthusiast of single-player, party-based, fantasy RPGs (my all-time favorite titles being Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and Neverwinter Nights 2) which is exactly what Drakensang is - and since I see so few games of this description come along it means that I'll sometimes over-appreciate the ones that do.

So essentially you might want to take my comments, which are exclusively positive, with a grain of salt. I also haven't finished the game yet - and indeed it appears, based on some things I read on the net, that I've only just begun. (Well good - because right now I don't want this to end.)

The first thing I want to comment on are the visuals. I'm a graphics-whore, and graphically Drakensang is very strong... to say the least - playing this game makes me feel as though I've stepped inside a beautifully illustrated children's story. When you install the game you're asked if you would like to install the optional high-res-texture pack, which is a whopping 4 gigabytes in size. Why would anybody not want to install that? Should the texture pack even be optional? Personally, I think not, my friends. The textures in this game are insanely sharp. Lush is the word I would use. I've never seen a game that looks quite this sharp.

As far as the art-direction is concerned, I would describe this game as being like a very souped-up version of Fable or a more charming version of Oblivion. Actually, Drakensang is kind of what I had imagined Fable was going to look like but didn't. The visuals are so stunning that when I'm wandering into a location for the first time I'll click on the walk button and have my party members all sheath their weaponry so that I can casually walk them through the area and just soak in the surroundings.

Here's something that's always been a bit of a mystery to me - why is it that some people can't seem to understand that games of this nature (classic, party-based RPGs) are not first person shooters, and therefore should not be played as such? There's an extremely annoying video series that's been posted at Utube of some guy playing the first hour of Drakensang. Near the end of the hour he's no longer playing the game, but just making fun of it. At one point he says: "This game is so bad..." - but the entire sequence is disturbing to watch because he's been attempting to play this classic RPG as though its an action RPG. If you don't know the difference between, say, Titan Quest, and, say, Baldur's Gate, and you attempt to play the one as though its the other, then you're probably going to end up hating the game. It's not really the game's fault though. Draknesang, like Baldur's Gate, begs of you to slow down and enjoy the atmosphere. You're not supposed to be rushing around as though the place is on fire. Indeed, Drakensang doesn't beg of you to play it a certain way - it demands it of you. If all you're doing is constantly selecting your entire party by dragging a box around it, and then clicking on the enemy, and wondering why everyone isn't simply attacking the enemy, then you're not playing Drakensang as it's meant to be played. (That guy who posted those videos at Utube really ought to be taken out and shot - he's done such a disservice to the game. He's a fool, really.)

Not to be too critical of The Witcher (because I did enjoy parts of that game - and yes I realize that The Witcher is more action RPG than it is classic RPG) - but my chief complaint was that there wasn't a walk feature included. Why, oh why, could the developer not understand that forcing me to run my character across the room just killed the atmosphere dead!

I can happily report that the walk feature in Drakensang works beautifully - you simply click on a point on the ground and watch your characters walk forward (that guy playing on the Utube video, would NEVER have used the walk feature, and was constantly clicking the mouse as though he was playing Titan Quest... I was almost surprised that he didn't criticize the game for not supporting the 360 controller!). I can happily report that your party members have superb path finding skills - nor do they continuously bump into each other when they're walking along. The spacing, between the party members, is perfect. Sometimes, when they're walking through a narrow area, they'll even line up in single file and follow each other through - I've never seen that before. The one problem with the animation system here is that it's so fluid there's a danger some gamers (ahem) will believe that they're playing an action RPG when what they're really playing, of course, is a classic RPG. The two games need to be approached differently. But the point is, we've got a beautiful movement scheme here. You can walk your party when you want to walk it, and run it when you want to run it - and it looks beautiful in both situations. (NWN 2 should work this well... Dragon Age had better work this well!)

The other thing I've noticed is how diverse the locations are. For example, you begin the game in a quaint little village in which the sun bathes your party members in a very pleasant orange glow, reminiscent of a fable-like setting. Then, literally fifteen minutes later, you find yourself wandering through a dark wood (aptly named Dark Wood) in which the lighting grows dark, and shades of dark green dominate the screen. Then an hour after that you leave the charming little village and enter a big city, which itself is beautiful, and extremely diverse in its architecture. Exploring the world is easily half the fun in Darkensang.

The other half is building your party and engaging in combat.

Again, it shocks me that some people don't seem to understand the very basics of party-based RPGs.

Drakensang isn't a clickfest, like a Diablo or a Titan Quest. It's about building a balanced party and then utilizing your party members by placing them in the appropriate positions. Each party member should have a roll to play - one should act like a tank, and steam forward into the front lines, while another should act like artillery, and stand back and snipe from afar, either with a ranged weapon or with magic... then you've got your healers and your dualists, those who can be placed in an either-or position. A truly great party-based RPG will force you to play with a balanced party. Combat will become impossible unless you've balanced out your party by applying the appropriate stats to each member, and by outfitting them with the proper gear, and then by using them properly in their appropriate roles.

All of this is much easier said than done of course. But again I'm happy to report that Drakensang has nailed this on the head - I will admit that it takes a while for the game to arrive at a point in which full party combat is satisfying and engaging... but when the game does hit this note, it's a high one, and you'll almost certainly feel a sense of euphoria after engaging in a few tough battles.

As far as the story is concerned, I'm not going to provide spoilers of any kind, and instead all I'll say is that it's sucked me in (there's something to be said about going in fresh). I'm genuinely interested in finding out where this thing is going.

Anyhow, I think that Drakensang is worth checking out if you're into this type of game. The shocking thing is that up until last week I'd never even heard of it. I should add as well that I think this game has been under-rated by the critics. It's almost as though they decided beforehand that Drakensang shouldn't be seen as a triple-A title, and consequently gave it lower scores than what they might've otherwise awarded. Essentially, their scores haven't matched their text. One critic said great things about the game - but then awarded it with a score of 70?

Before starting this title I had thought of Drakensang as being a cute little warm up for Dragon Age, which of course will be released later this year. Now I'm not so sure. And I think I should mention, as well, that this game is selling for $30. My friends, that is a bargain. I would've paid $60 for this title.

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#2 Franko_3
Member since 2003 • 5729 Posts
wall of text :P jk I tried the demo, but seriously the control are so bad, I just can't get over it. Everything else is fine though, but the medieval setting they used is definatly unoriginal
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#3 Baranga
Member since 2005 • 14217 Posts

You need a supercomputer instead of a brain to play it.

The rule set is ALIEN. I thought D&D was damn hard (the only thing I completely understand from The Temple of Elemental Evil is the cake recipe from the manual, for example), but this one is insane.

Low rolls wtf.

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#4 rmfd341
Member since 2008 • 3808 Posts
I didn't even read your post, but i'm getting Drakensang tomorrow...O.o
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#5 GPAddict
Member since 2005 • 5964 Posts

You need a supercomputer instead of a brain to play it.


This statement confuses the heck out of me.

Anyways, I pick it up cheap (retail benifit) and look forward to playing it whenever I get around to it. Too many games to play. :)

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#6 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

wall of text :P jk I tried the demo, but seriously the control are so bad, I just can't get over it. Everything else is fine though, but the medieval setting they used is definatly unoriginalFranko_3

The controls are fantastic.

To repeat what I wrote above: This game is a classic RPG - if you approach the gameplay as though it's Titan Quest, or Diablo, then you're going to be frustrated. Classic RPGs should not be played as though they're action RPGs! Or especially first person shooters!

The other thing I entirely forgot to mention - and I believe that here is the perfect place to mention this - is that you can pause the combat after each round. If you haven't set the game to pause at the end of each round so that you can make minor adjustments to the way your party members are fighting, then you're not playing the game properly. Sure, if you're just fighting minor NPCs (such as tunnel rats, for example) then pausing isn't always necessary. But when you're engaged against tough opponents then if you're not using the pause feature you're missing out on all the fun.

Also, the camera is amazing. There are basically two settings. One that's zoomed out, and the other that's zoomed in. When I'm in close-quarters - fighting in a dungeon, say - then I'll move the camera right in, and will even swivel it around so that I'm looking straight at my characters. It's amazingly cool watching your characters swinging their swords, or stabbing with their spears, or casting spells in the background, and then seeing them freeze in place as the round comes to an end and the game pauses.

I like games that are clickfests, sometimes - but games like this are special. It's kind of a shame that people don't like games like this, in which you have to invest a little time understanding the new gameplay mechanics. Also, as far as understanding EXACTLY how the ruleset works - well, I couldn't care less about that. I've never been the sort of person who's going to argue about a ruleset. In computer RPGs it just isn't necessary, and gets in the way of the fun. It's pretty obvious in Drakensang how to setup your characters for their various roles.

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#7 Baranga
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Yes, the camera is great. I love it how it basically punches a hole through the foliage to see your characters.

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#8 Deadly_Fatalis
Member since 2006 • 1756 Posts
Wall of text commands you to buy it! :P It looks like a pretty interesting game. I might go and pick it up.
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#9 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

Yes, the camera is great. I love it how it basically punches a hole through the foliage to see your characters.

A few reviewers said that the trees and such 'blocked out the camera'. Say what? Which game were they playing?
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#10 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

Wall of text commands you to buy it! :P It looks like a pretty interesting game. I might go and pick it up. Deadly_Fatalis

Nah, nothing like that. It's just that I hadn't heard about Drakensang, and I wanted to alert other people.

Also, wall of text? It takes five minutes to read that post? When I was in university I would spend easily eight, nine, ten hours a day doing nothing but reading.

How is five minutes a wall of text?

(EDIT: I wish that a few people here had paid more attention to the first sentence of my post. Heh, heh, heh.)

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#11 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts
Average to Good RPG.... but it a show of the times....we are going through a phase where RPGs are good at best.
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#12 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

Average to Good RPG.... but it a show of the times....we are going through a phase where RPGs are good at best.FelipeInside

Drakensang is way way above average. Did you even play this game?

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#13 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts

[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]Average to Good RPG.... but it a show of the times....we are going through a phase where RPGs are good at best.Charles_Dickens

Drakensang is way way above average. Did you even play this game?

Yeah...played about 3 hours into it (a friend lent me his copy). The graphics are nice, the controls are a bit awkward, the talent and skills are a bit confusing and they don't explain it clearly.... and the voice acting is average. I did say average to good.... but after 3 hours of gameplay the story still didn't interest me....
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#14 Charles_Dickens
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[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]Average to Good RPG.... but it a show of the times....we are going through a phase where RPGs are good at best.FelipeInside

Drakensang is way way above average. Did you even play this game?

Yeah...played about 3 hours into it (a friend lent me his copy). The graphics are nice, the controls are a bit awkward, the talent and skills are a bit confusing and they don't explain it clearly.... and the voice acting is average. I did say average to good.... but after 3 hours of gameplay the story still didn't interest me....

The characters often don't speak any dialogue at all.

At first I thought, well that's just plain cheap - but then I actually quite enjoyed it. It reinforced the feeling that I was adventuring inside an immensely detailed children's story. I kind of liked it that I was allowed to use my imagination, and fill in the sound of the character's voice.

Honestly, though, 3 hours with is game isn't enough. I've been having 5 hour marathon sessions, and even those haven't been enough!

Ah well - I tried my best to excite a few people about this game. To each his own, I suppose.

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#15 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts


Drakensang is way way above average. Did you even play this game?


Yeah...played about 3 hours into it (a friend lent me his copy). The graphics are nice, the controls are a bit awkward, the talent and skills are a bit confusing and they don't explain it clearly.... and the voice acting is average. I did say average to good.... but after 3 hours of gameplay the story still didn't interest me....

The characters often don't speak any dialogue at all.

At first I thought, well that's just plain cheap - but then I actually quite enjoyed it. It reinforced the feeling that I was adventuring inside an immensely detailed children's story. I kind of liked it that I was allowed to use my imagination, and fill in the sound of the character's voice.

Honestly, though, 3 hours with is game isn't enough. I've been having 5 hour marathon sessions, and even those haven't been enough!

Ah well - I tried my best to excite a few people about this game. To each his own, I suppose.

Your points are all good.... but if a game can't keep me interested after 3 hours, then it's doing something wrong. Again, I'm not saying the game is awful or bad or anything... it's a good game. Doesn't do anything new, but what it does it does well.... good for passing the time and playing old school RPG. Unfourtanetly in my case, with my limited gameplay time....and specially an RPG which requires a lot of time...I have to be careful in choosing.
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#16 stike22
Member since 2009 • 3401 Posts
Its an average game but one worth getting if you really feel like an RPG, it has nothing truly great or bad about it, but its just minor and moderate problems that if fixed could have made it one of the best RPGs. For instance there are no character releationships, or side quests from you characters, shops don't spawn new wepons and armour so you have to find them all on the field, you have to find trainers just to learn a move, not many magic spells, no character customisation and they could have added a toolset...little things like that stop this game from being great.
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#17 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

Its an average game but one worth getting if you really feel like an RPG, it has nothing truly great or bad about it, but its just minor and moderate problems that if fixed could have made it one of the best RPGs. For instance there are no character releationships, or side quests from you characters, shops don't spawn new wepons and armour so you have to find them all on the field, you have to find trainers just to learn a move, not many magic spells, no character customisation and they could have added a toolset...little things like that stop this game from being great.stike22

Hmm, you're right.

Maybe this is yet another reason I'm enjoying it so much.

All the stuff you mentioned I often find to be kind of tedious. Weapon upgrades, for example, are mostly a superficial thing - sure you're given a new weapon to use, but that's just because your opponents have grown tougher to beat. And the NPC sidequest thing - with most RPGs I usually find myself wishing that my party mates would just shut up and do their jobs. Also, you say that there aren't that many spells - don't get me wrong, I 'loved' NWN 2 and Baldur's Gate (both are exceptional games) but playing as a spellcaster in those games I doubt that I used even a quarter of the available spells. You just don't need them all.

I find it difficult to believe though that people think this game is average. Average? It's above average. Average is Fable. Average is Titan Quest. In my opinion this game almost approaches Neverwinter 2 and hits it on the head with its own club. Not quite. But almost. (The animation and movement of the party members - the way that they continually end up at their location standing in a perfect V formation - is certainly much better than what I saw in NWN 2!) But again, each to his own - I just hope that a few people who, like myself, didn't know about this game, will see this thread and check out Darkensang.

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#18 Franko_3
Member since 2003 • 5729 Posts

I find it difficult to believe though that people think this game is average. Average? It's above average. Average is Fable. Average is Titan Quest. In my opinion this game almost approaches Neverwinter 2 and hits it on the head with its own club. Not quite. But almost. (The animation and movement of the party members - the way that they continually end up at their location standing in a perfect V formation - is certainly much better than what I saw in NWN 2!) But again, each to his own - I just hope that a few people who, like myself, didn't know about this game, will see this thread and check out Darkensang.


Don't take a game and*or people tastetoo personally. People have different taste andpeople are not hereto like what you like, even if you try to convince them it's the best game evar. If everyone had the same taste, Pc forum would not be better than one of those console board where everyone is talking of the big boomfest (halo 3, cod4, geow....)and how they like them and blablabla... boring

I personally believe heart of iron 2 is the best strategy game, but I am sure nobody will agree with me, even if I make a thread about it with a massive wall of text.

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#19 stike22
Member since 2009 • 3401 Posts

[QUOTE="stike22"]Its an average game but one worth getting if you really feel like an RPG, it has nothing truly great or bad about it, but its just minor and moderate problems that if fixed could have made it one of the best RPGs. For instance there are no character releationships, or side quests from you characters, shops don't spawn new wepons and armour so you have to find them all on the field, you have to find trainers just to learn a move, not many magic spells, no character customisation and they could have added a toolset...little things like that stop this game from being great.Charles_Dickens

Hmm, you're right.

Maybe this is yet another reason I'm enjoying it so much.

All the stuff you mentioned I often find to be kind of tedious. Weapon upgrades, for example, are mostly a superficial thing - sure you're given a new weapon to use, but that's just because your opponents have grown tougher to beat. And the NPC sidequest thing - with most RPGs I usually find myself wishing that my party mates would just shut up and do their jobs. Also, you say that there aren't that many spells - don't get me wrong, I 'loved' NWN 2 and Baldur's Gate (both are exceptional games) but playing as a spellcaster in those games I doubt that I used even a quarter of the available spells. You just don't need them all.

I find it difficult to believe though that people think this game is average. Average? It's above average. Average is Fable. Average is Titan Quest. In my opinion this game almost approaches Neverwinter 2 and hits it on the head with its own club. Not quite. But almost. (The animation and movement of the party members - the way that they continually end up at their location standing in a perfect V formation - is certainly much better than what I saw in NWN 2!) But again, each to his own - I just hope that a few people who, like myself, didn't know about this game, will see this thread and check out Darkensang.

Have you ever played NWN2? If you haven't I suggest you buy that.
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#20 arijit_2404
Member since 2006 • 1558 Posts
IMO, these types of articles should be in personal blogs not in public forums. Anyway, Drakensang is not a 'ohh my god!' types of game. But at $30, it's pure value for money game.
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#21 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

IMO, these types of articles should be in personal blogs not in public forums. Anyway, Drakensang is not a 'ohh my god!' types of game. But at $30, it's pure value for money game.arijit_2404


Guy, in days of old, this is what forums were made of. You don't like lengthy posts. Myself, I don't like posts that are one sentence long. I don't get anything out of those.

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#22 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

[QUOTE="stike22"]Its an average game but one worth getting if you really feel like an RPG, it has nothing truly great or bad about it, but its just minor and moderate problems that if fixed could have made it one of the best RPGs. For instance there are no character releationships, or side quests from you characters, shops don't spawn new wepons and armour so you have to find them all on the field, you have to find trainers just to learn a move, not many magic spells, no character customisation and they could have added a toolset...little things like that stop this game from being great.stike22

Hmm, you're right.

Maybe this is yet another reason I'm enjoying it so much.

All the stuff you mentioned I often find to be kind of tedious. Weapon upgrades, for example, are mostly a superficial thing - sure you're given a new weapon to use, but that's just because your opponents have grown tougher to beat. And the NPC sidequest thing - with most RPGs I usually find myself wishing that my party mates would just shut up and do their jobs. Also, you say that there aren't that many spells - don't get me wrong, I 'loved' NWN 2 and Baldur's Gate (both are exceptional games) but playing as a spellcaster in those games I doubt that I used even a quarter of the available spells. You just don't need them all.

I find it difficult to believe though that people think this game is average. Average? It's above average. Average is Fable. Average is Titan Quest. In my opinion this game almost approaches Neverwinter 2 and hits it on the head with its own club. Not quite. But almost. (The animation and movement of the party members - the way that they continually end up at their location standing in a perfect V formation - is certainly much better than what I saw in NWN 2!) But again, each to his own - I just hope that a few people who, like myself, didn't know about this game, will see this thread and check out Darkensang.

Have you ever played NWN2? If you haven't I suggest you buy that.

Have I ever played NWN 2! OMFG! Then again, maybe the problem with writing a post that takes more than 10 seconds to read is that nobody reads it?
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#23 Charles_Dickens
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The other thing I wanted to mention.

You guys did choose to play as a female character didn't you?

I chose the beautiful blond to play as. And the first thing I did was strip her of her armor. You just don't need it. My lady has been wandering around with nothing but a thin shirt on. You should see her body. What's not to like about this?

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#24 GPAddict
Member since 2005 • 5964 Posts

The other thing I wanted to mention.

You guys did choose to play as a female character didn't you?

I chose the beautiful blond to play as. And the first thing I did was strip her of her armor. You just don't need it. My lady has been wandering around with nothing but a thin shirt on. You should see her body. What's not to like about this?


PERV! :)

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#25 TheCrazed420
Member since 2003 • 7661 Posts
Totally agree with thr OP. I made a "I love Drakensang " post last week, with the same kind of compliments. People can nitpick certain points about the game, but the fact remains - this is a true CRPG in days when they really don't exist anymore. Im farther into the game and I'm still enjoying it a lot, and I definitely also recommend this for any fans of the slower style of RPG - lots of dialogue, fleshed out quests, and lots of stats and skills to upgrade at your leisure.
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#26 bogaty
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I found the story to be generic and cliched, the translations rough, the voice acting poor, and the quests nothing I hadn't seen 100% before yet, for all that, I was really enjoying myself due to the fact that they don't really make party-based RPGs anymore and when they do, they usually go the twitch route like Diablo or NWN2. I found the underlying pen-and-paper game mechanics interesting and a nice diversion from the all-too-familiar d20 system. Shame that the damned game crashed and corrupted all my save games twice. The first time, I was about 15 hours in and the second, closer to 25-30. Bloody annoying and, judging by the posts on the tech support forum, it's a bug other users have run across.

Hopefully they fix it in a patch.

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#27 stike22
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Lol and sorry I didn't read your post. I don't hate the game there are some parts that actually impresse me but I just can't find anything superb about this game and if there is I could just do it in another RPG game so for me it needs more to be considered a fav of mine, and I do agree with you although the game didn't have many spells they actually worked quite well where as in NWN half the time they would be resisted making most of the spells pointless. Its just with extra features Drakensang could have been much better to me, a toolset for instance and some character custom could have made it much better so you don't have to go through the same places and story again and again...and from what I know there aren't going to be any expansions which wasn't good news.
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#28 Jd1680a
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$30 for a game that offers a lengthy amount of gameplay is a great deal.
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#29 DeadManRollin
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Nice post from the TC. I bought the game out of impulse, but didn't really play it yet. I actually got NwN2, Witcher and Drakensang together, but decided to start off with NwN2 first. The game's acquiring dust in my shelf, but after reading this beautiful description, I will definitely install the game tonight. I am just concerned about the apparently high level of micromanagement required :|
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#30 FelipeInside
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*** *** *** Why is the poster getting so angry. No one said Drakensang was a crappy, awful, disgusting RPG. It's an average RPG, maybe good in parts, that's it. It does what every other RPG did before it and does it well, but doesn't bring anything new or innovative. I personally think it's average because when a new RPG comes out, I do what I always do with all other types, I compare it with my favorite RPGs of all time, and Drakensang in between the Baldurs, the Torments, the KOTORs, and the Icewind Dale's.... comes out average... case closed
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#31 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]*** *** *** Why is the poster getting so angry.

Who are you talking about? Not me, I hope. I don't get angry when people have a different opinion than mine? That's what makes the world work. Are you saying that I'm angry? I'm not. I just like to voice my own opinion: and right now I can't agree that Drakensang is an average game. It's a special game. Even as I type this on my MacBook I'm looking at Drakensang on my PC. I'm inside the temple in Ferdok, and I almost can't believe what I'm seeing - I loved NWN 2, and thought it was a good looking game: it doesn't even compare with this. I'm convinced that the high resolution texture pack thing has made the difference. I'm going to go so far as to say that this is one of the best looking games I've ever played. No, I'm serious. Try stepping inside the Temple at Ferdok - are you going to tell me that that isn't insanely atmospheric! I'm not mad at all - it's the opposite. I'm ecstatic that I've been gifted with this amazing game, seemingly out of the blue.
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#32 naval
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IMO, these types of articles should be in personal blogs not in public forums. Anyway, Drakensang is not a 'ohh my god!' types of game. But at $30, it's pure value for money game.arijit_2404
telling people about a good unlooked game, with a good post is the best use of public forums
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#33 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts
[QUOTE="arijit_2404"]IMO, these types of articles should be in personal blogs not in public forums. Anyway, Drakensang is not a 'ohh my god!' types of game. But at $30, it's pure value for money game.naval
telling people about a good unlooked game, with a good post is the best use of public forums

Wow, thanks for the support. I'm just really, really excited about this game, and wanted to post about it. I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer - and since I love games of this nature, it was shocking to me that I missed it. I still have no idea how that happened? I just hope that other people will look into this one with an open mind.
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#34 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="arijit_2404"]IMO, these types of articles should be in personal blogs not in public forums. Anyway, Drakensang is not a 'ohh my god!' types of game. But at $30, it's pure value for money game.Charles_Dickens
telling people about a good unlooked game, with a good post is the best use of public forums

Wow, thanks for the support. I'm just really, really excited about this game, and wanted to post about it. I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer - and since I love games of this nature, it was shocking to me that I missed it. I still have no idea how that happened? I just hope that other people will look into this one with an open mind.

Well...I'm glad ur enjoying it. I hope this feeling lasts the whole mile though.... now about the best looking game u've ever played....well, it looks good but I wouldn't put it up on my top 5 list of best looking games EVER
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#35 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts
and by the way....does anyone know if the demo comes with the hi-texture pack?
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#36 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="arijit_2404"]IMO, these types of articles should be in personal blogs not in public forums. Anyway, Drakensang is not a 'ohh my god!' types of game. But at $30, it's pure value for money game.Charles_Dickens
telling people about a good unlooked game, with a good post is the best use of public forums

Wow, thanks for the support. I'm just really, really excited about this game, and wanted to post about it. I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer - and since I love games of this nature, it was shocking to me that I missed it. I still have no idea how that happened? I just hope that other people will look into this one with an open mind.

wecome :) . I personally love these kinds of game, but my only problem with them is that once I start I don't want to stop until I finish it :P . I have already bought the game, and just waiting for ample free time to get started on it. Btw not sure you know,but a prequel to the game has already been announced - Drakensang: The River of Time, coming out early 2010
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#37 teardropmina
Member since 2006 • 2806 Posts

[QUOTE="Charles_Dickens"][QUOTE="naval"] telling people about a good unlooked game, with a good post is the best use of public forumsnaval
Wow, thanks for the support. I'm just really, really excited about this game, and wanted to post about it. I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer - and since I love games of this nature, it was shocking to me that I missed it. I still have no idea how that happened? I just hope that other people will look into this one with an open mind.

wecome :) . I personally love these kinds of game, but my only problem with them is that once I start I don't want to stop until I finish it :P . I have already bought the game, and just waiting for ample free time to get started on it. Btw not sure you know,but a prequel to the game has already been announced - Drakensang: The River of Time, coming out early 2010

guys, I actually started playing it a while ago, but stopped, not because it's bad, but because it seems to be a great CRPG...which demands tons of time, and since I finished King's Bounty, I haven't have the time to dip into it. will get to it when free time presents to me~~"

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#38 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts

guys, I actually started playing it a while ago, but stopped, not because it's bad, but because it seems to be a great CRPG...which demands tons of time, and since I finished King's Bounty, I haven't have the time to dip into it. will get to it when free time presents to me~~"


Yeah i know, I currently have huge backlog of games and with games like KB : Armored Princess, Elven Legacy etc coming out I really don't know where i will get the time to finish all of them :(

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#39 Charles_Dickens
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guys, I actually started playing it a while ago, but stopped, not because it's bad, but because it seems to be a great CRPG...which demands tons of time, and since I finished King's Bounty, I haven't have the time to dip into it. will get to it when free time presents to me~~"


Yeah i know, I currently have huge backlog of games and with games like KB : Armored Princess, Elven Legacy etc coming out I really don't know where i will get the time to finish all of them :(

I had reserved this four-day-weekend for FEAR 2, and had really been looking forward to it for quite some time. But then Drakensang just completely took over. I didn't even manage to finish the hospital level in FEAR 2.

I've got a bad feeling though that, for me, Drakensang might end up being even more enjoyable than Dragon Age. When I heard that Dragon Age was being ported over to the console my heart just sank - DA was supposed to be Bioware's return to its pc roots. Then when I heard that the PC version of DA was being held back in order to be released at the same time as its console counterpart my heart sank even further.

As far as the Drakensang demo is concerned, I doubt that the high-texture-pack is included, since it's an incredible 4 gigabytes in size (just the texture pack, I mean). That's a shame - because technically speaking there's something pretty amazing going on here. It would be a good thing if people could see the thing in action for themselves (with the high textures enabled). I have no idea why, but this game just looks so much sharper than anything else I've got on my computer right now.

Anyhow, for me it's been a great weekend. And I still have one more day off - tomorrow! Woot!

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#40 volcax
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I was looking forward to playing Drakensang, from what I'd seen and heard about it it was going to be the type of game I would love.

Then I dowloaded the Demo. Oh sure, it was a great example of an RPG, but it just reminded me too much of the bad taste in my mouth from playing NWN2 to halfway 4 times and giving up.

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#41 Charles_Dickens
Member since 2009 • 1693 Posts

I was looking forward to playing Drakensang, from what I'd seen and heard about it it was going to be the type of game I would love.

Then I dowloaded the Demo. Oh sure, it was a great example of an RPG, but it just reminded me too much of the bad taste in my mouth from playing NWN2 to halfway 4 times and giving up.

Yeah, but the first half of NWN 2 is the best part!
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#42 Gooeykat
Member since 2006 • 3412 Posts
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="Charles_Dickens"][QUOTE="naval"] telling people about a good unlooked game, with a good post is the best use of public forums

Wow, thanks for the support. I'm just really, really excited about this game, and wanted to post about it. I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer - and since I love games of this nature, it was shocking to me that I missed it. I still have no idea how that happened? I just hope that other people will look into this one with an open mind.

Well...I'm glad ur enjoying it. I hope this feeling lasts the whole mile though.... now about the best looking game u've ever played....well, it looks good but I wouldn't put it up on my top 5 list of best looking games EVER

The graphics drop off significantly inside buildings and dungeons, I'm not sure why that is but the outdoors look ten times better than the indoor environments. Anyway, I agree it's a good game but I must admit that it is missing some key features that make a great RPG: engaging main story line, interesting companions and NPCs, player choices that effect the game world and story. I will also agree as others have mentioned about the confusing rule-set and lack of proper tutorial.
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#43 FelipeInside
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guys, I actually started playing it a while ago, but stopped, not because it's bad, but because it seems to be a great CRPG...which demands tons of time, and since I finished King's Bounty, I haven't have the time to dip into it. will get to it when free time presents to me~~"


Yeah i know, I currently have huge backlog of games and with games like KB : Armored Princess, Elven Legacy etc coming out I really don't know where i will get the time to finish all of them :(

I had reserved this four-day-weekend for FEAR 2, and had really been looking forward to it for quite some time. But then Drakensang just completely took over. I didn't even manage to finish the hospital level in FEAR 2.

I've got a bad feeling though that, for me, Drakensang might end up being even more enjoyable than Dragon Age. When I heard that Dragon Age was being ported over to the console my heart just sank - DA was supposed to be Bioware's return to its pc roots. Then when I heard that the PC version of DA was being held back in order to be released at the same time as its console counterpart my heart sank even further.

As far as the Drakensang demo is concerned, I doubt that the high-texture-pack is included, since it's an incredible 4 gigabytes in size (just the texture pack, I mean). That's a shame - because technically speaking there's something pretty amazing going on here. It would be a good thing if people could see the thing in action for themselves (with the high textures enabled). I have no idea why, but this game just looks so much sharper than anything else I've got on my computer right now.

Anyhow, for me it's been a great weekend. And I still have one more day off - tomorrow! Woot!

Then I must admit I have not seen this game with the High Texture Pack. I'm sure when my friend installed it on my PC it only had normal textures... because after your post I downloaded the demo to give it another try and the game looked the same as my friend's. Saying that....I probably don't have the time to play Drakensang, and it will probably be my loss. It looks like it requires lots of time, and I'm saving up for Riddick and Wheelman. But as far as RPGs go...there isn't anything out soon is there? cause Dragon Age is end of year? I still have to finish Witcher, and I never got into NWN2 (the controls were meh), so if my RPG urge comes up...I might give Drake another shot. (if I can keep my WoW urge down....lol)
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#44 Gammit10
Member since 2004 • 2397 Posts
Free demos are a wonderful thing. Find out for yourself if you'll enjoy this game.
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#45 Born_Lucky
Member since 2003 • 1730 Posts
I played the demo last night, before I read your review, Charles Dickens, and I have to say - you hit the nail squarely on the head. This is the first RPG since Baldur's Gate II, that actually captures what I'm looking for in a single player RPG (my favorite genre). Coming off of Oblivion, I had to get used to the control scheme, but within 30 minutes of wandering around, it was no problem. The game IS beautiful, even without the high res textures, and the perfectly crafted music , combined with the storybook visuals, creates an atmosphere that hasn't been achieved by anything else in recent memory. I'm picking up the full game today - probably at lunch.
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#46 mirgamer
Member since 2003 • 2489 Posts
Thanks for the post Charles coz I ended up absolutely hating you. Hate as in coz you convinced me that I have to buy and play Drakensang....amongst like 10 other games that I've noted down in the "MUST-PLAY-BEFORE-ZOMBIE-ARMAGEDDON!" list.
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#47 BeckMall
Member since 2008 • 331 Posts

Drakensang is worth buying....

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#48 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts
No Charles....no....stop it NOW I don't have time for an RPG..... I got heaps of work and part-time study to do..... I can't invest myself in Drakensang..... No...I will not install....I will not give it another go.....I must....must....resist.....
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#49 sub-raid
Member since 2006 • 1613 Posts
yeah thanks for the newspaper but i'm not intrested in reading any. 10x anyway and i'll get darkensang don't worry lol.
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#50 Charles_Dickens
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Last night I got frustrated for the first time while playing this game - but frustrated in a good way.

The quest I was on was an optional one: I had to descend through four levels of a brewery cellar, killing rats along the way, in order to link up with a guy who's trying to escape the local jail. At one point my party was swarmed by eight rats. Here's the thing though. The rats didn't attack randomly. They swarmed around my healer/spellcaster and took her out in literally just three rounds. I must've died at least six times trying to win this battle (thank god you can save anytime.)Up until that point though all the other rats I'd encountered had been fairly easy to defeat, and consequently I had turned off the pause-after-every-round option, which of course allows you to adjust your combat queue. Once I re-enabled that, I was able to defeat the rats, but it was touch and go right to the very end. I finally realized that I had to use all 4 party members to work to together and take down each rat, one at a time. If I battled the rats separately, then every time I lost the battle.

What happened next was a nightmare though.

Having made my way to the end of the 4'th level, this massive Queen Rat came out and engaged me in a final battle - after six attempts I just gave up. I could see that my party just wasn't up to this fight with The Rat Boss. Role players love this sort of thing though. There's nothing like being defeated by some monster, and then going away and doing quests and what have you, and then leveling up, and returning and beating the crap out of the same monster that beat the crap out of you earlier. Unbelievably, I didn't even have to resort to a previous save game in order to get out of the cellar. Rather conveniently, a dwarf had followed me through the cellar, and all I had to do was ask him to get me the hell out of there. This meant that all the leveling up I had done to get through those 4 levels wasn't lost. Hooray! The designers were actually thinking for once!

The other thing I love about this game is that there's no hand-holding taking place.

When my party members level-up, I have to distribute the points myself - there's no automatic leveling system here. The game forces you to learn how the stats work. This can be incredibly rewarding. For example, last night, after my first battle on the moors against eight members of The Undead, I discovered that every one of my party members was suffering from gangrene. My chief fighter was suffering from major gangrene and for this reason his primary attribute (his strength) had plummeted from 16 all the way down to 8, which was quite frankly ridiculous. There was no way I would be able to continue with him suffering so badly. I saw in the stats section that there's something called 'Treat Poisonous Wounds' so I pumped some points into that and then started feeding everyone green tea. All of my party members recovered except my fighter. I thought about it some more, and then, without really knowing that it was the correct decision, pumped even more points into the 'Treat Poisonous Wounds' skill. Then I attempted once again to heal my fighter. Bingo. It worked like a charm. It was incredibly rewarding that I had been able to work out the problem using fairly basic logic.

Right now I'd have to say that this game most closely resembles KOTOR.

The way that you're forced to pause after every round in order to get through the toughest battles is, in particular, VERY reminiscent of KOTOR. Indeed I've decided to leave that option on for now. Besides, it looks really cool when your party members freeze in place. It reminds me of the movie The Matrix. Also, not since KOTOR have I been this locked onto a game. I'm now starting to fear that this game might end up being even better than Dragon Age - surely that's not going to pan out though?