So, haters said this game will "suck" and and no one cares. Well, i'm here to disagree because:
1. IGN disagrees.
2. Gearbox and 2k games disagrees.
3. The entire gaming community with the exception of a few old turds disagrees. (just google DNF at this moment, that'll prove my point, alsolink 1link 2 link 3 )
Nope, sorry haters, it seems everyone cares. And until you actually post some valid facts that "no one cares" i'll keep copy-pasting this post until you grow tired of the same 'ol BS you keep saying about beeing "outdated" wen in fact you:
1. Didn't play the game.
2.Obviously didn't check out the FULL PAX live stream.
3. Have no idea of its features, or its gameplay in general.
4. Refuse to aknowledge the fact that FUN is subjective, and no one gives a f-k. Because IF the game will be fun, it will be played. Proof of that is that old games from the 90's are still being played despite so many cutting age new games.
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