We already know this. We just need good developers to take advantage of the extra power. All the devs apart from Blizzard are developing multiplatform now, so you don't see any games making full use of PC technology.
Have news for you..Even blizzard is now making diablo 3 on the xbox shame as it is...Its how the new era is..Sad to see i come this way but..Only ones sitll making pc games seams like cdproject..Even they will head to consoles in the future i bet..
Which is no big deal unless we starting getting console ports like leftover table scraps. Not many people really cared much that Crysis went multiplat until the "Push start" screens started showing and then the no DirectX 11 at launch (or maybe even at all) started popping up. A game going multiplat is not really a concern of most PC gamers. It's when the game is dumb downed (not streamlined), made with only controllers in mind, made with console limiteations in mind, and is sloppily ported that we start caring. Now if a game starts out on consoles (like say the Uncharted series went multiplat) there wouldn't be much of an uproar if we got any of those things. It would be expected for a console only series to keep some of it's console roots when it ported. It's when homegrown classics like Diablo, Starcraft, Crysis, etc start doing the same thing that tempers start to flare. As long as it's PC first for PC born games no really cares if it's ported to another system.
Edit: There will be some that care but for the most part PC gamers aren't as into exclusive bragging rights as consolites are.
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